Monday, May 6, 2019

A Shining Star

I wrote a poem today.  It's a poem to encourage me to move, to not get stuck or bogged down by life, whether that's mine or someone else's.  To reach out, to risk, to speak up, to trust in the big picture, all the while enjoying the journey!  So, I share it with you today, hoping you may receive your own inspiration as you read.  

A Shining Star

This incarnation of ME
Has reminded me of the Life of a Star
Shining brightly in the sky.

From very far away,
I seem small and insignificant.

It is when you move in close that the
Magnificence is made manifest.
The power and the Heat,
The Radiance Revealed.

Let me live the month of May,
At the very least, this one month
As the star I was born to be.

Let me reveal the depth and the strength
And the mystery of my gifts
To the Glorious Galaxy
That surrounds us all.

I Choose to Move, to Reach Out and to Enjoy
ME as Star, bursting with Light
Sharing, Not stopping Until
ALL the Heat of ME
Is completely used up…

Verna J. Fisher
May 6, 2019

How’s your starlight shining these days?  Are you taking the time to notice?  Only you can create the conditions to allow your light to shine.  What do you need to do today to turn on that love light?  Are you ready?  What’s stopping you?  Here’s to taking the steps to break out of the darkness and into YOUR light.  Your Star Light.  We need your light now. 


Don't forget Integrative Wisdom is available for personalized coaching by phone or in person here at The Center of Creative Transformation.  Taking time to focus, to ask the important questions, and to listen to the responses goes a long way in helping us get to where we want to go in this life.  I'm here to assist you.  

Also, The Soul Catalyst cards are coming along.  So many details involved to birth such a baby.  I appreciate your love and your prayers and support as this comes into being.  Stay tuned for ways to help if you are so moved.