Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Oh Holy Night

 The Stars Are Brightly Shining.  Thank goodness something is!  What a crazy year 2020 turned out to be.  As some wise person said early on, "It's not the year I asked for, but it was the year I got."  On that note, My hope is that you have not been hit too hard personally by the 2020 tsunami of difficult things.  I do however know of several who have been hit hard.  And my heart has been doing overtime in sending love and compassion out on the wind.

I took some time yesterday to review my personal 2020 year.  January seems like another lifetime ago.  And yet January had it own set of stuff to deal with.  Some day a book will be written about those events and I can say, I was there.  But then the rest of the year happened.

And I can only imagine the slew of books that will come out of this year.  Speaking of books, I want to recommend one:  There's No Such Place As Far Away by Richard Bach.  I have had it for a while but when my granddaughter and family moved out of state to Utah, I really needed the message in that book.  And given this is the year of distancing, I imagined many of you could use it too.

So, check it out!

I'm not sure if you are tuned in to any of the many places where I let loose with my videos, but I am especially proud of my Christmas Cheer 2020 series.  I share it on FB and on my YouTube channel, on Instagram and Linked In.  I figure that if even one person gets a bit of cheer, then I have done my job.  

One bit of information about The Soul Catalyst Cards.  I am not offering a special price for the sets.  There's a reason for this.  My loyal friends and family who purchased the card set at full price deserve my loyalty.  I just can't in good faith, reduce the price to try and seduce someone to purchase.  I hope that makes sense to you.  I just have too much respect for them.

That being said, if you haven't purchased a set yet, maybe you will want to take some time to check out the website:   I am so happy with it.  Shaunna Heth did an amazing job and got it up in time for the Beautiful Dying Expo that I was a speaker at.  That too, went very well and I'm really happy that I was able to share a bit of my experience working in hospice care as a social worker.

Were you able to check out the Great Conjunction?  Two planets so close together they might be seen as one?  The event was dubbed "The Christmas Star" and it was considered the light that led the Wise Men to the Christ Child in the manger.  We went up the hill from our house to see it.  Of course to the naked eye, it wasn't much.  But the imagination could enhance the scene.  

As we enter into this Holy Night, my wish is that you and yours find joy and peace within.  My wish is that you may be as healthy as possible-body, mind, spirit and soul.  What is your wish?

Here's to you and to your wish.  Blessings and Peace,

Your Soul Catalyst,

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Zuzu's Petals

It's getting to be the holiday season. And that means it's time to rewatch a classic, at least in my world. I'm referring to It's a Wonderful Life of course. I'm sure you remember it. George Bailey has had a rough year. (Can anyone relate?) It's been so rough in fact that he imagines that maybe the world would be better off if he had never been born. As luck would have it, that's when the angel is listening and grants his wish. George, and the life that has become so difficult vanishes in the waving of a hand, or was it a wiggle of the nose, or? Well, I don't really remember what the angel did but at any rate, all of the places and people that George had touched ceased to remember him and all the interactions, such as having a wife and children also disappeared.  As did precious Zuzu's rose petals that George had tucked away into his pocket, to save his sick little girl from being sad as she watched the flowers wilting.

Of course George was given the ability of observing all the changes that happened when his soul disappeared from the earth.  With each new twist in the lives of those people he loved and cared for the most, George began to think that maybe his life mattered after all, in spite of all the troubles.

2020 has been a banner year.  And not in the way we usually consider banner years.  I could say, it's been a doozy.  I could say, it has really sucked.  I know lots of people wish this year had never happened.  And yet, if we were to have this year wiped off our memories, what would the world be missing?  What would we be missing?

For me, right away, I have always said this year was magical as my son and his wife gave birth to my 4th grandchild.  That makes all the struggles worth it to me.  It's also the year that a life's work came into being.  I don't want to see that disappear from the earth.  I am sure, in spite of the struggles, you too, might find a worthiness to your last 320 whatever days.

We aren't here to simply have good days.  We haven't been brought forth into life so that we can grab the most toys.  We have not been given one day in order to rise above others.  And we DO NOT have one day guaranteed to us.  I learned this during my years in hospice when babies and children, teens and young adults were faced with their mortality.  Not one day is guaranteed, not a good day nor a bad day.  But it is up to us to show up to our days, whatever they are like and live that day fully.

Yes, this has been an incredibly unusual year.  Those of the status quo have felt the ground beneath their feet shift.  Those who were already struggling have experienced even more difficulties.  We have fought each other.  We have been really ugly to each other.  You know it's true.  So while it might seem worthwhile to wipe this year from our memories, perhaps this year would be better served if we can learn from it instead.

Can We Learn Anything From This Year?

It is my deepest desire we can.  There is much to be gained from taking a step back and asking to be given a bit of wisdom to move forward with into 2021.  Integrative Wisdom's view anyway.  First off, we are in this mess together.  The independence we may so deeply desire is a falsehood.  So, forgetting what any power that be might tell us, what is the right thing to do for the greater good?  We might want to take a bit more responsibility so that we don't have to be told what to do; we simply do.

If you have any knowledge of energy dynamics, you might want to take a look at the vibe you are giving out to the world.  No matter what you believe, your actions matter and they emit a frequency that either is harmonious or causes chaos.  Chaos is inherent in matter, this is true, but the possibilities of creating a world that enhances life depends on coherence.  Pay attention to your thoughts, especially ones that put others down.  Pay attention when you put yourself down.  Pay attention when you despair.  Do not give in.  That is not your birthright.

Look for ways to enter into the beauty of our world.  Don't let yourself be led down the rabbit hole of negative thought patterns, no matter which world view you hold.  Take heart that this amazing universe we are a part of, loves creativity, diversity, joy, laughter, love...

Find ways to take care of your mindset.  Find ways to nip the negative in the bud.  Find ways to be glad that you still have Zuzu's petals in your pocket and that you make a difference just by being here.  Your presence here in this exact time is important to us all.  I hope you can believe...

Your Soul Catalyst,

PS come visit the new website:

Saturday, October 31, 2020

A Powerful Few Days

I am not a procrastinator.   And yet, here I find myself waiting until the last day of October to write something.  Glad I am sneaking in under the wire because this is a powerful day, a powerful weekend, and we are entering a powerful week.  Let's start with today.  It's what we in the west call Halloween, but today is called All Hallow's Eve by the Christian Scottish folks.  Another term is All Saint's Eve as we move into a period of honoring those who have died.  From Mexico we have Dia de los Muertos and anyone who has seen the movie Coco was blessed with a heartfelt view of the importance of these days.

It's also a full moon day, a Blue Moon at that, meaning it's the second moon this month.  Those who are into astrology will have much knowledge of the energy available to us.  I am not well versed in this field but recommend finding an astrologer you like and listen in.  Here's one link:

Our Blue Moon

It Won't Appear Blue

And just to be clear, it's not gonna be blue in color...

So Happy Halloween everyone!

Moving into All Saint's Day.  Have you ever created a special altar or sacred space for your loved ones who have died?  Given this may not be your cultural belief, you can still adapt it to a place of honor in your life.  It can be as simple or as elaborate as you like.  A simple lighting of a candle and a poem or a prayer, the reciting of the names of those you are honoring works.  

Or go all out as you see in the many Dia de los Muertos celebrations or as shown in the movie Coco.  Did I mention that is a great movie?  Well, in case you missed it, put that on the play list.

Breathe and Go Forward in Wisdom

Which brings us to the importance of this coming week for our entire country and even the global community.  I was reminded of the struggle for women's rights when I tuned into the movie, "I Am Woman" about Helen Reddy's life and how this epic song came to be.  It was made in 2019, before her death, which made watching it that much more touching.  Many younger women today are really not aware of those women who made their lives possible and that they are standing on the shoulders of these brave souls.

Whatever your position on things these days, do not take your responsibilities lightly.  Honor our story, of how women came to be seen as separate from the male and how they had to fight for these freedoms we now enjoy.  There have been many memes listing all the things women could not do and I myself walked through the mess, realizing I was born into an amazing time, when strong and visionary women fought for equal rights next to men.

Here's to Helen and to the women who have stood up for our rights.

I Am Woman

Watch the movie too.

Lastly, as we move into this brand new month, recognize yours own understanding of how you show up to your life.  Pay attention as to how you pay attention.  See if there is any place for a greater opening into the gift that is you.  And I hope you will honor even more every day, the mystery that is this amazing journey of life.  We are blessed by so much.  Let's be sure to say thanks!

Enter Into the Mystery that is LIFE...

Sending Love.

Your Soul Catalyst, Verna

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Time Is...

Last December, yes way back then, I sent out our Christmas card with an inspirational reminder of sorts.  It said:
Time is:

My Greatest Gift
My Greatest Responsibility
My Greatest Challenge
My Greatest Inspiration

May I Strive to Remember that My Time is NOW
Let Me Use it Well and Wisely

This blogpost will walk us through these four greats. After all, we only three months left to follow the wisdom within the reminder.  Might be a perfect time to take stock.
My Greatest Gift

Fall Time

See the leaves are turning...Fall is Upon Us

September 22 marks 2020's entry into the season of Autumn.  Usually there would be a special gathering here at The Center of Creative Transformation.  Unfortunately, the "time" we find ourselves living in will not allow for a gathering in person.  However, that doesn't mean we don't create our own special ceremony to mark this event.  It's easy to do but it requires the will.  Here's a bit of help if you find yourself with the will to do:

  1. Set the time and the day, preferably the 22nd!  But if you miss that date, do it when you can. 
  2. Gather a few special items that reflect this seasonal change for you, including a candle and perhaps a leaf from your yard or your neighborhood.  Arrange them in a special place where they can stay for a week or so.
  3. Have your journal or writing paper handy so you can jot down any wisdom that makes itself known to you this day.
  4. Have some quiet music, perhaps without words, to play during this ceremony.
  5. Start with a prayer, a reading, a poem or any other words of wisdom to center and ground you.
  6. Ponder the last 3 months and whether you were able to stick with your goals or dreams.  Take time to see if you were using your gift of "time" wisely.
  7. Write down your insights.
  8. When you are ready, end with a moment of gratitude.
  9. Return to your life, prepared to harvest the fruits of your labors.
  10. Determine to keep the spirit alive until you are met by the Winter Solstice.
Now, this is just a general guideline for you.  Feel free to change it up and make this your own!

My Greatest Responsibility

Japanese Cranes Made to Represent Internment Camp "Prisoners"

As I reflect on this "time" we currently find ourselves in, I am driven to ask whether any of us have taken this to heart.  Now, I realize not all of my readers are on my Christmas card list and therefore would not have received these words of wisdom, but, I am sure that some folks may have been inclined to view "time" in this way, at least once or twice.  At least I'd like to think so.  Our "time" is NOW.

This "time" we live in, this now, here in the United States, has challenged us in ways we haven't seen since maybe the '60's.  Turmoil and strife have not normally been our day to day experience.  We may have grown a bit too complacent, thinking we had it all, and that we were in control of our own lives, our comfort, our well-being and our safety.  Maybe, and one thing is certain now - we are faced with the realization what we thought no longer applies.  We are beginning to realize that while we may have felt these things, there have been many among us who faced a very different reality.  And this is becoming painfully apparent.

In this "time", it seems we are more at odds with family, friends and neighbors than we could have ever imagined.  In this "time", it seems that truth evades us even when we sincerely seek it out.  In this "time", our grief and our sorrow seem to overwhelm us with the pain.  In this "time", it seems there is no end to the contradictions and conundrums we are faced with.  In this "time", the anger, the frustration, the deep chasm of emotions often seems to override our sense of calm and decency.  

And, I must admit that I am overwhelmed in this "time".  I really thought that humanity had evolved further than it appears we have.  I have struggled to understand just how low we could go.  But then, I began to watch the Netflix series "Call the Midwife".  And I was reminded of a few things.  Have you watched this series yet?  I know there are those who are calling for a ban on Netflix.  I am not one of them.  And I can't recommend this series more.

In case you haven't seen it, the setting is the late 50's in a poor section of England.  Main characters are Anglican nuns and nurses who have a specialty - midwifery.  Sounds like each episode would be more of the same...delivering babies.  Boring.  I thought this and almost stopped watching.  But I am so glad I kept going.

Call the Midwife brings me to tears every single episode, sometimes to the point of sobbing.  Watching this show painfully reminds me of how things were in a different "time".  Of how cruel humans are to one another and how hatred, bigotry and prejudice are not just from our "time".  This show has reminded me that we here is the USA are simply, unfortunately, continuing the baser human actions that have occurred across time and space.  We are examples of human underdevelopment...

Another way to say this is that we are simply unconscious of what we are doing.  Digging in our heels, refusing to listen, saying angry and mean and scary things to one another.  Allowing radicals on all sides to highjack dialogue, to lead us down roads of half truths and down right lies.  Refusing to take responsibility for our own actions.  Thinking me first.  

Integrative Wisdom is my small way to try and wake us from our slumber.  The work I do serves to try and unlock the doors to our inner realms and help us face what we find.  I am working to do my best to bring conscious awareness of what is needed to heal humanity and to change our ways.  It is my hope that you too will find ways to do the same.  I have faith it can be so.

My Greatest Challenge
The Integrative Wisdom Chaka Series

See the nine videos on You Tube

The latest offering from Integrative Wisdom is my nine part series on the chakras.  I think the greatest "takeaway" for me during the filming was the realization that most of our spirituality is more of a first chakra energy, rather than a seventh chakra energy.  It is a challenge to recognize we may not be as nice or as loving or as kind as we hoped.  We may find our motives are not pure.  It may be time to learn more about the energy we are sending out, not only to ourselves, but to the world.  You can jump right in to watch the 9th video to see what I'm talking about or watch them all.  Let me know what you think.  I welcome dialogue.

My Greatest Inspiration
In Honor of Justice Ginsburg

Ha, while we may have thought that we had enough to divide us, another event has rocked our country  with the death of one of our supreme court justices.  Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, RBG, died.  While she requested that the government wait until after the election to pursue a replacement, the powers that be suggest a quick process.  Those who see justice through a democratic lens are expressing fear and anger at this.  They express a sense of despair.  However, it is also being shared that Justice Ginsburg has accomplished her work in the world, and in fact, it is now those left behind who are called to take up the good fight.

If indeed, you are feeling despair, anger, sorrow and think about giving up, think again.  It may just be that each of us are now being called to recognized the "time" for us to act has come.  Do we care enough to follow in her footsteps?  And it's important to note that whatever side of the country's struggles you are on, you are on the carpet to make sure you are acting with decency and moral fortitude.

This might be the most difficult part as we are so genuinely unaware of our own biases or judgements or blame.  Whatever your stance, you will benefit by displaying compassion while expressing your beliefs and opinions.  This is wisdom we can really benefit from.  Trust me.  Our immune systems depend on it.


Don't Forget to Prepare For Dia de los Muertos

Coming the end of October...
A Great Way to Honor "Time"
And Those Who Have Gone Before


Another special day in October is the 11th.  On this day, Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh will turn 94 years old.  It has been 6 years since a major stroke affected him.  His community states he is beginning to show signs of physical decline and they are planning a major spiritual event for his birthday or what his community calls his "continuation day".  They ask that we might practice a walking meditation and to forgive and love those with whom we might have difficulties.

What a perfect "time" to practice this.  No?  Yes.  There will be some form of ceremony here that day.  It seems only appropriate.  I would love to hear if you will do so as well.


Dear Friends, by now I am sure you know my work in the world is about healing.  It's not about taking sides, but it is about waking up to a truth that is truth and that can't be manipulated or staged or contrived.  We can begin to live in this truth, but only if we recognize our biases and our prejudices and our shadow beliefs.  This takes personal development work.  I am here to assist as a catalyst and a guide, a personal development coach with your growth in mind and heart.  Let me know if you are ready to do your work.

Until then,
Your Soul Catalyst,

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

It's a Pondering Time


It's a pondering time in my world.  What about you?  There is SO much happening.  There are SO many distressing events.  There is SO little lack of consensus as to what needs to change.  It is heart wrenching.  It is stomach turning.  It is mind blowing.  And for the soul--it is time to come forth out of obscurity and shine some light into this world.  

Yes, this is deep time.  And deep time is Soul Time.  This is not a time to despair however.  It is a time to dig deep and to reach for the better part of us that we DO have.  The surface "Me" is not going to suffice.  Are you prepared to ponder?

Whatever your faith tradition or your belief system, or your nothing at all system, it might be a great time to ponder.  What in the world is happening?  Maybe we can forget the why part for now.  "What" might be a good start. It's pretty clear here in the United States that we are pretty divided in our opinions on our current situation.  And it's not just those we dislike that see things differently, it's our friends and our family.  Close to the bone you might say.  Which can make it even more painful.

One thing I consistently cling to is the realization that people I love and care about may see things very differently than me.  Because I love and care about them, it is important for me to listen deeply to what they say.  It may be that I can, at the very least, tap into the core of their understanding of events or issues.  I may still disagree but I don't demonize them or post things that would do so.

Naturally, I would hope they might return this favor.  Maybe that's why I post this today.  Perhaps, by reading this, a few more people will stop and ponder.  Where is the connection?  What might be the thread that runs through these times that can bring us back to a sense of common courtesy?   Is it important for me to stop before I post, to ponder and consider, to take a brief second and make sure I am not labeling others as the enemy, when it is very clear they are not.

This is a pondering time.  As we move forward every day to some new choice before us, or some decision we must make, I ask that we stop, consider that which we sign our name to, and move forward ONLY when we trust this is for our betterment, our personal and the collective good.  These simple steps can move us in the right direction.  No more demonizing others simply because their assessment of things is different from our own.  

NO, it doesn't mean to give up your cherished stance, but it may mean that you ponder another's.  If both people speak deeply and sincerely, without the need to be right or on top, there will be some, even if only a slight amount, of "give".  We may disagree on the big things but it seems to me that in the way  that we speak to each other there can be consensus.  And in that, perhaps we all find common ground.

It's my prayer we start today.  We can do this together.  Now.

In love,
Your Soul Catalyst, Verna

Monday, July 20, 2020

In These Times - A Fire Drill for the Soul

Well, here we are.  Nearing the end of another coronavirus month.  Who would have thought that coronavirus would become an adjective rather than just a noun?  Not me.  But today I realized that's how I was thinking these days.  There is nothing in my thinking, it seems, that isn't colored by this.  I sigh and imagine a time in the near future when I won't have to worry about it.  And I am sobered by the thought that this may not happen...especially in the near future.

So, given this, what do I have to share, what tools might help us through? What can Integrative Wisdom offer?

What I 'd like to share is the risk I took to add my voice to a video that was created by Andy Grammer for his performance on the July 4th CNN special.  If you haven't seen it yet, check it out here.  As I worked to uncover what I don't give up on, the underlying most important value was integrity.  And so, check out the clip to see what I wrote.  I still can't believe I was on TV...  🎯

But, really most importantly is the encouragement to show up as a positive presence in the lives of those you most care for and perhaps for the larger community as well.  We can learn to enter into dialogue, be respectful, disagree, but keep working to make things better.  That is true soul work, work we are here to do.

It's like this time we currently live in is giving us a run for our money.  It's like a fire drill for our soul and we have to determine what the steps are to keep that deepest, truest, most complete part of ourselves just that.  Pretending everything is ok is not the way to go.  Neither is giving up and throwing in the towel.  We are in this, hook, line, and sinker as the fisherpeople say...

With that in mind, 

What is your healing practice?  What are you doing to care for YOU?  Please don't ignore you.

I have been very busy building up a library of healing content.  A video a day, Monday through Friday.  They are all on my YouTube Channel here.  The latest: Today's Office View cause today as I write this, it's Monday!  Topics are as follows:

Monday: Today's office View

Tuesday: Integrative Wisdom

Wednesday: Soul Catalyst Card Deck Day

Thursday: Elders Who Care

Friday:  Recap Friday

I hope you will stop by and watch and feel inspired, empowered, encouraged, or just plain educated on some form or fashion of Integrative Wisdom.

There is one other story I'd like to share with you.  Those who know me, know I always tell the story of being such a shy child.  I have shared that I realize I am not really so shy anymore, but shyness and fear of being judged harshly is still in my DNA.  I just don't let it run me around anymore.  In that spirit, I'd like to share one of the braver things I did this month.

It was fun.  And I even got to message with Ms. Janis!  

Lastly, for this post, I can share that the guidebook to the cards has had its final approval!  Soon it will be all printed, bound, and delivered here to The Center of Creative Transformation.  Let me know how many copies you would like.  They will make great gifts for all those adults you most care for!

Don't worry if you aren't ready to order yet.  You know I will be sharing this amazing project often.

As I prepare to say good-bye for now, please take a moment to really stop and assess how you are doing.  Please take steps to practice self care as well as listen in to your soul.  Put some healing practices in place now.  

Remember Integrative Wisdom is here to help.  I am glad to say the Community of Care service is going well.  If you are interested, just gather a few of your closest friends or family members and give me a call.  It's an amazing deal.  $10 a person for that hour Zoom meeting as long as there are 4 participants registered.  

You can email me at too.

If you are ready for your own private healing session, you can email or go to the website and fill in the form. 

With great respect and love,

Your Soul Catalyst,

Monday, June 29, 2020

You've Got to Be Kidding

OMG.  There has to be a mistake somewhere.  It absolutely cannot be the next to the last day of June!  No.  Simply no way.  It's June 29th???  That is just crazy.  I feel like time is racing by.  And then, on the other hand, with the sameness of each social distancing day, it sometimes seems like time is standing still.  Maybe that's why I haven't written one blog entry this whole month.  Yikes!  So glad I got my act together before July hit.

Ok, got it together.  Now, what to write about?  What is there to say about our world today?  Not much going on, right?  OK, so I'm a joker.  We are living in epic times.  We are on the brink of great potential.  That, at least, is how I choose to see it.  Yes, so much has broken wide open, so much has fallen apart, and so much is changing.  But, when we look deeply, we see that things have been rotten, deeply rotten, for a very long time.  We, dear friends, have been living a bit of a lie.

I am reading this impossible book by one of my mentors, Stephen Jenkinson.  It's called Come of Age and it's a doozy.  Stephen is one of those writers that intrigues the imagination and calls the reader to dig deep.  I'm sure there are those who try to read his work and throw the book down, say a few choice words, and get on with their day.  Yes, he's that challenging.  But he has captured my heart and I am continuing to work to learn from him.  And he has a lot to say about the times we live in.  Here's a review.

One of the outcomes of reading this has been to change Integrative Wisdom Elder Care Coaching & Consulting to "Elders Who Care".  I am realizing I hope to be an elder when I grow old, not just grow old.  If you are interested in following along, you can join in the conversation on the FB page.  In times of great social upheaval, having wise leaders goes a long way in riding the waves of fear and emotional distress.  We seem to be in short supply of wise leaders these days.  Maybe you will want to work to be one.  Maybe you will want to be a voice to help as we navigate these rough waters, helping us get to the other side.

In my personal corner of the world, changes are coming to my neighborhood.  We live in a rural area and we have been spoiled by view like the one in the photo.  While I am aware we don't own the land that is currently being developed, I am also aware that I have an opinion about what is being torn down and what will be built up.  It's out of my hands to change what is happening.  What is in my power is how I will greet the change.  Of course the wisdom comes from knowing what we do have power over and then having the courage to act.  Yep, just like the Serenity Prayer! It is my humble opinion that these times are giving us lots of opportunities to flex our Wisdom Wings.

Ooh, Wisdom Wings.  I like it.  Never wrote those two words together before.  But I am running with it.  Dear Reader, let's try on a pair.  Let's take the wise road.  Let's soar together as we find ways to rebuild a nation that really lives its motto...cause we haven't yet.  But I have hope that we can.  With a new cadre of Elders Who Care, with the rising of our young who call us to be honest, to remove the blinders we've been wearing for hundreds of years, and by beating our Wisdom Wings, we got this!  Our future is bright.  And honest.  And it is time to come of age.  

In Service, 
Your Soul Catalyst Verna

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Dare We Go Back to Sleep

In times like these...

The human heart can go the lengths of God… [ A Sleep of Prisoners ]
Dark and cold we may be, but this
Is no winter now. The frozen misery
Of centuries breaks, cracks, begins to move;
The thunder is the thunder of the floes,
The thaw, the flood, the upstart Spring.

Thank God our time is now when wrong
Comes up to face us everywhere,
Never to leave us till we take
The longest stride of soul men ever took.

Affairs are now soul size.
The enterprise is exploration into God.
Where are you making for? It takes
So many thousand years to wake…
But will you wake, for pity’s sake?

Christopher Fry

As we say good bye to another month, the merry month of May, things seems so far from ever being merry again.  Struggle after struggle has come to greet us.  While we have tried and tried again to keep putting one foot in front of the other, it has not been easy.

In one way or another, perhaps we are being shaken awake, reminded we are not to go back to sleep, that the time has come for big change and not band-aids.  Perhaps this awakening is meant to help us find our way home, back to our true selves, and not these complacent, tepid versions.

Are we On the Brink?

No more excuses.  No more yearning to go back to the "way things were".  No more sidestepping all our brokenness.  We are poised on the brink...and it is only by a fearless examination of all our deeply cherished beliefs might we find the real truth of the house of cards we have been living in for so long.  Why don't we choose to wake up and stop pretending everything is ok.  It's not and it hasn't been for a long time.  The breaking down can be the start of a building up.  What shall we build?

Leaving behind everything gives us such a clean slate.  So, if you had that option and you were designing our next phase, what would you be sure to add to the mix?  Kindness, honesty, compassion, fairness, prosperity for all...

What?  Why don't we, upon waking to a new month, wake up and stay awake.  Let's take the steps we need to take.  Let's define this new slate, our new society, the one we really do long for when we are not experiencing fear, and hate, and envy and all the other emotions that lead us down a dark path.  

When we are awake, we have knowledge of that deepest, truest part of ourselves, our souls.  From there we can hold steady, resist temptations, and take the steps necessary to ensure that our elected officials to do the same.  It's no longer ok for self interests to call the shots.  Not for any of us.  

We are part of a collective that must stand together, even with different ways of seeing the world.  Basic human rights; yes back to the basics may be the first step. We have been feeling the tug of the heart string that binds us together.  That is not a bad thing.  It is waking us up.  

Here's to eyes wide open...from the soul.

Monday, May 18, 2020

In This Epic Time - The Best Day

Here's something to ponder:

This day is the best day of your life.
It's the only one you've got.
You better do it Right!

Now that we've got that over with, here comes the big question:  How would you know you got "it" right?  What is it that identifies a day done right?  Do you have any clue?  Is it always the same?  Some interesting questions don't you think?  To make things even less clear, what if what you thought you knew about what a best day consists of became less certain?  What if you suddenly began to question your routines, your day to day practices?  How might that make you feel?  What might you think?

Here's a Meditation Fitting this Quandary:

In this Epic Time

In this epic time, who are you becoming?
In this epic time, with every passing day...

In this epic time,
with every new fear
every new challenge
every new loss
every new emotional hit

In this epic time, who are you becoming:
As you
Let go
Fight to hold on
Discern the difference
Freeze in confusion

Do you believe it's in Your Power to:
Choose the outcome?
Determine the course?

In this epic time,
we may be unique in the lens of history.
In other epic times,
it wasn't seen as epic
Until it was over
And then it was identified as

We, in the age of information
are very aware.
We are 
told cajoled reminded warned 
of our undoing
Every. Single. Day.

Is this the best day?

In this epic time,
We sense the change
We see the waves of unrest
We feel the dis-ease
It is held deep in our bones.

Then, there are the whispers,
the voices to remind us
Maybe the best day is still to come.
Maybe what we see as lost
Is really Opportunity
In this Epic Time.

In this epic time,

might we listen to those who encourage us,
who remind us to seek our best day,
new possibilities for all,
to let go of the frayed edges of our tattered world 

Claim a NEW Best Day.

And, so in this epic time:

Where do you find yourself?
Longing to return to the days of old?
Energized for the new road ahead?

And so, as we reach the end of this blog post, here's to you and to your best day.  It is my sincere hope that this meditation has given you food for this journey and inspiration as well.

Your Soul Catalyst, Verna

Monday, April 27, 2020

With Adversity Comes Fortitude and Support

Remember that old Chinese saying, "May you live in interesting times"?  Well, dang if we don't!  Just about every aspect of our lives has taken a beating.  We have been faced with challenges from every angle.  And we are faced with the dilemma of determining how we will move forward, not only in the short term, but in the long run as well.

Our very humanity is being called into question.  There are those, who pushed to the end of their ropes are advocating violence.  There are those, who faced with such tremendous struggles are facing deep depression and anxiety.  Each of us is being asked how we want to respond.  And, each of us may or may not have the tools it will take to be that best version of ourselves.

Integrative Wisdom has advocated since the beginning for personal wellness practices to help us navigate times such as these, although I never imagined this particular scenario.  And yet, I am happy to say that our tools are indeed made for times like these.

I am grateful to say that there are several ways we are here for you.  I hope you will consider the ways you might find solace, support and encouragement by joining in one or more of the offerings.

In the last post, I shared the latest meditation on Insight Timer called Beacon of Light.  I am waiting for notification that my submission, A Litany of Loss, has also been approved.  I will let you know in the next post.  There are over a dozen Integrative Wisdom meditations now.  Please use them whenever you find yourself needing a moment of respite.

In the last post, I also shared my weekly video schedule.  These are uploaded to my You Tube Channel as well as my FB pages.  Offering information, inspiration, and tips on creating a wellness practice, all the videos are fairly short and can fit into even the busiest person's schedule.

What I am offering anew is a fee based service.  While Integrative Wisdom always offers changing of the season gatherings here at The Center of Creative Transformation,

currently with social distancing, that is just not an option.  Yet it is still important to honor the shift in a formal way.  What I am proposing however, are a few more sustainable options.  

Option One "Community of Care"

It is my pleasure to offer gatherings using Zoom.  If you have your own group of peers you would like to participate with, set your own day and time.  Smaller groups of about 5 or less will give everyone a chance to speak and to receive personalized attention.  Each person will be asked to pay $10 for the hour.  You can send it via Pay Pal, Zelle or mail.  I will trust you to make the payment.

Option Two "My Time"

For those who would like their own hour, we can arrange those sessions as well.  These will work well for specific situations or challenges you are experiencing.  Having an hour of dedicated time will allow us to be sure you know exactly what practices or tools you want to use to build your healing muscles.  The fee for this service is $60.  Again, I trust you to send the payment via one of the above options.

Also, the Soul Catalyst Card Deck and Guidebook are almost ready for pricing.  I will let you know as soon as the guidebook is completed and everything is priced.  I am loving doing the Wednesday reading with the cards.  I am hoping you will love them as much as I do.

The Soul Catalyst Card Deck

It is my deepest hope that Integrative Wisdom can make a difference during these adverse times.  I hope you will consider partaking of one or more of our healing practices.  During the years I have noticed that seeking wisdom is not always our top priority and in times such as these, it is even more challenging as we are often struggling just to get by.  

Which way will YOU go?

We have a greater vision.  We want much more for you.  We want you to rise up into your best self and feel strong and centered and well.  Integrative Wisdom was made for times like these.  Over twenty years in the making.  Now is the time.  Wisdom has come of age.  May you partake of its gifts in your own life ever more fully.

Sending you love and hugs from a safe distance,
Your Soul Catalyst,

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

How Are You Holding Up?

Well, this is no April Fool's joke.  We are on restriction.  No going out except for serious needs.  What an abrupt change.  We, born here in the United States, have most likely never imagined ourselves in this predicament.  How could we have imagined our most cherished identities taken away from us so quickly! 

Our identity.  Who we have imagined ourselves to be.  How we have affixed a sense of self worth to ourselves.  Who are we if we aren't working, aren't helping, aren't doing?  Even our roles as parents have been changed.  Everyone is being affected.  A truly challenging time.

Here's a few supportive tips for you during this time:

1.  Recognize the enormity of the times you are living in.  You are living in a historical moment of epic proportions.  You may want to begin to write your version of how things have changed for you.  A first hand report will be a true gift to the following generations.

2.  Recognize your lack of control over the bigger picture.  No matter what you do, you can't change the facts of where we find ourselves. 

3.  Accept responsibility for steps you can take to make the situation better.  Agree to follow the guidelines, the rules, the changes to your sense of American Pie freedom.  We are all in this together and have a huge responsibility to our countrymates.

4.  Practice self care.  Having a strong immune system is our best defense against COV-ID19.  Taking time to de-stress, even one breath at a time will provide your system with a break from the tension, fear and worry.  Work to build up your wellness practice, recognizing what helps you personally.

5.  Avoid being ugly, especially in social media.  We have had a steady dose of ugly for years.  Doesn't matter what side of an issue you are on.  Stay kind.  Do not retaliate, even when it's clear someone else has hit below the belt.  Yes, you can respond with dignity, stating in no uncertain terms your wisdom.  But, please keep the energy you carry around, healthy and kind.

6.  Consider taking some time to get to know yourself on a deeper level.  With such a huge shift in our daily activities, this may be the time to grow in consciousness and awareness.  Find an online program to guide your growth.  Of course, Integrative Wisdom is here for you as well.

7.  Find ways to stay connected to family and friends.  Of course there are many platforms for this.  But remember the older folks may need a bit of guidance in this area.  Maybe you are the one who can teach them some new tricks.

8.  Recognize when your mind is taking you down the rabbit hole of fear.  Whew, this one is really important.  There is very little chance you haven't felt afraid.  I think we all find ourselves wondering what in the world will happen to us and to our lives.  Let's nip the fear in the bud quickly, acknowledging there is no way to be certain.  For now, we simply recognize our fear and then send it off with a breath...

9.  Practice staying in the now.  This is really helpful to assuage our fears.  For now, we are ok.  In this moment, I am well.  For right now, I can appreciate much.

10.  And to round out the tips to ten,  why not practice counting to ten when you find yourself on a short fuse.  It is not hard to imagine how many of us might be losing our tempers, perhaps many times a day.  The old adage, Count to Ten, is very valid. 

So, there we have ten tips that might help someone cope a bit better during this pandemic.  In addition to this blog, Integrative Wisdom is also posting a video a day on FB, to offer education, support, encouragement and inspiration to as many people as possible.

Here's the weekly schedule:

Monday: Today's Office View, a video to highlight the beauty around, no matter where we are working.

Tuesday:  Integrative Wisdom, videos that offer education and information on a holistic approach to being in the world.

Wednesday:  The Soul Catalyst Card Deck program, drawing a card and sharing tips on how to create a healing practice.

Thursday:  Elder Care Coaching and Consulting, videos on how to navigate both caregiving and being an elder in today's world.

Friday:  Recap Day, answering questions and addressing any issues that may have come up during the previous week.

It is my hope that Integrative Wisdom will find a larger audience, finding those who will benefit from the support.  Please consider sharing with your friends.  Here's a link to my meditation on Insight Timer that offers a bit of quiet time for you during these tough times:

A Meditation of Support

Also, here's a link to the FB videos:


Finally, here's a link to videos on my YouTube channel:

Integrative Wisdom on YouTube

And lastly, offering you a bit of beauty and hope as well:

In love and light,

Your Soul Catalyst,
