Tuesday, December 31, 2019

True Grit

As I sit down at this computer, my mind is pondering what in the world it should offer on this important last day of this year and in fact, of this decade.  What is rolling around inside this head of mine that is important enough to bring forth, to share with others?  As I looked around for the myriad of notes I stash in no one particular place, I find one sheet of paper with only a few words on it.  One word stands out:  Grit.

Immediately I knew this was the topic for this post.  Grit.  Many folks may remember the movie with John Wayne, True Grit.  That's the first thing I usually think of when I hear this word.  Funny though, I really didn't remember what the movie is about.  So, I googled it.  Do you remember?  It's about a 14 year old girl who wants to bring the man who killed her father to justice and she engages John Wayne's character to help her.  He, of course, doesn't want her to come along, but she will not stand down.  She goes along, determined to achieve her goal.  She displays true grit.

Moving into this new year, I think about the past year.  So many of us experienced deep challenges that required true grit to get through.  And, we were able to make it through the tough times.  My question is:  At what cost to our health, our well-being, our stamina, our spirit, our very soul?  This leads me to consider another possibility, one I learned about from a mentor,  Mike Jay  He taught me CPR.  Not the kind you are probably used to though.  This CPR stands for Creating Personal Resilience.  And I think we should all learn this type of CPR.

So, that is what I wish for each of you today.  I imagine each of you with enough knowledge and expertise to not only white knuckle through life's slings and arrows, but to rise above and to soar with grace and confidence to face whatever this life challenges us with.  Integrative Wisdom says it's not enough to "get through" the pain and suffering and sorrow.  We must somehow also come out of these moments able to shake off the dust and emerge, not diminished by the experience, but rather enhanced by it all.

Many of you may scoff at the idea of being able to create a practice that is able to accomplish this.  I agree that it will not happen simply by wishing it so.  I have learned by personal experience that it is only through dedicated effort one is able to move beyond habit and personality to arrive at the doorstep of conscious choice.  We can choose our responses and we can honor our experiences without being permanently harmed.  We, however, must create our unique personal plan to tap into the true grit, the resilience we deserve.

Science has proven that our bodies and our minds work in tandem.  Our bodies will react to our thoughts.  To keep our bodies from taking on the effects of those "true grit" moments, we must be sure to release and let go of the energy that our emotions and thoughts create in our bodies.  Be sure to debrief, or take time to shake it out, or process without the emotional attachment.  Take time to go into the quiet, to breathe, to let go of shoulds and judgments.  Let your body know that, no matter how things turned out, you are ok and you did your best.  

I hope this will help you consider creating your CPR training so you will be prepared for whatever 2020 brings.  My wish is that you will not ever get stuck in the quicksand of life's yuck, but that you will be able to move through it with, yes, true grit, but also a resilience that offers to erase any negative effects from the encounter.

A lofty goal perhaps, but Integrative Wisdom believes it's possible.  And your Soul Catalyst wishes it for you.

Here's to 2020 and CPR for your Soul!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Life's Magical Moments

What Magic is Brewing in Your Life?

Happy Brand New Month!  OMG a few of us might exclaim.  How in the world did we get here already?  Where did this year go?  I'm not ready... (Just a few other exclamations we might be making!)

And yet, we are here.  Right here at the end of a whole year.  AND to make it even more surreal, we have arrived at the end of a decade and are facing a brand spanking new one.   Usually just the coming of a new year sends out the call to make those resolutions but the coming of a new decade?  What might that milestone trigger within us?

Maybe you have been so busy you haven't even thought about the new decade.  Maybe you are so busy with the Christmas season, you haven't even thought about the New Year.  If not, I'm here to put a bee in your bonnet and set your mind to conjuring.

What better time than the magical season of Christmas to envision our future?  One question I have been pondering for a few years now is this:  As an adult, what would I ask Santa for?  For some reason this question has not been easy for me to answer.  I think back to my childhood and the joy I felt when I realized that Santa had listened to me and thought enough of me to fulfill my heart's desire.  I truly loved the gift, whatever it was, and skipped and jumped around for days, while reveling in my prize.

But, now as an adult, the magic has shifted slightly.  Now I am more inclined to believe the gift will come due to my actions, not Santa's.  But...if I returned to those days of blind faith in a bringer of my deepest held desire, what would I ask for?

I have considered those beauty contest answers like "world peace" and "justice for all".  Maybe I don't even think those are possible and I don't want to waste a wish. Or maybe I'm just selfish and want the gift to only benefit me and my life.  As I have said, I am still in the middle of discernment.

I will pause here and let you ponder what you might ask Santa for...

Dear Santa,
So, what is your wish to Santa?  Was it easier for you than it has been for me?  I hope so.  Here's to that magical moment when Santa grants your deepest desire.

But...if you were more like me and found it hard to know what to ask for, why do you think that is?  I'm really curious.  I think part of it for me is the understanding I now have about the fragility of life and the knowledge that, all too soon, life comes to an end.  I find there isn't any one thing I can ask for that will live up to the enormity of this fact.

Instead, I find myself simply wanting to show up to each day.  I find I want to show up, more to the process of asking rather than the end result of receiving.  I revel in the magic that I am here at all and in the magic that one day, a day I have no knowledge of, that it will all be over.  I want to revel in this moment, this magic that is simply being able to ask the question.

So, back to this, end of the year-last month of 2019, moment.  Back to this end of a decade moment.  I am choosing to be held in this magic by consciously marking my days, by listening with my inner ear and discerning what to do, not what to get.  I find have goals, milestones I want to achieve that stand for the idea I was given a responsibility in this being born, a mandate to listen to an inner call and somehow manifest this out into the world. 

I am excited that I am achieving all three of the goals I set for myself back in May.  These will be the gifts I give to myself I suppose.  These coming to fruition is the magic I will cherish.  And, as I finish out these last 30 days of this decade I will give thanks for the gift of life, for the gift of magic, and for the gift of believing.  And I extend my belief that you, too, will be able to discern your end of the year, end of the decade magical moments and revel in them.

Lastly, Integrative Wisdom will be offering an envisionment gathering in January 2020.  Yep, I just made up that word.  It works for what I am envisioning... If you have any desire to partake in the magic, stay tuned.  The date will be set one day soon.  I hope to see you here.

Your Soul Catalyst,

Monday, November 11, 2019

11:11 AND a New Decade in 50 Days! Oh, AND the Mercury Transit!

Oh me oh my.  Chances are you won't be reading this on 11/11, but still maybe you will be able to recall the excitement surrounding this day.  Or maybe you will just recall this day as Veteran's Day.  At any rate, it felt like a big day to me so I really wanted to mark the day with a new post.

What was kind of funny to me is that I was thwarted today several times.  You see, I forgot it was a national holiday and so my trips to the credit union, the bank, and the library were for naught.  And you would think the first closed governmental building would have clued me in, but alas, nope.

Anyway, I did go look for a website that showed the Mercury transit, which is watching a tiny black round thing cross the sun, with the aid of very powerful telescopes of course.  It was pretty darn amazing.  It also was a great way to remind oneself that no matter how much it feels like this planet is stationary, it is definitely not.  And that's a pretty big deal if we think about it.
Miracle.  Magic.  Marvelous.

Lastly, and this one really stunned me, even though I know we are nearing the end of the year.  We are only 50 days away from a brand new decade!  Now, that's the potential for a fresh start isn't it?!  I mean, can you imagine the new journal you should get to mark this occasion?  An entirely new 10 years!  And, from what I hear from various astrologists out in the wild world, we are moving even more deeply into a new age...wait for it...yes, it really is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

However, the dawning details are just way too complicated and daunting to add to this humble post, so we will just leave that here as we hum a few bars...

What I think is most important, especially if you are one that loves fresh starts, is that you also make a concentrated attempt to end this decade with intention as well.  For the next 50 days, see if you can reflect back on the last decade and track your growth, your understanding, your insight into who the heck you are and why you are here on this planet now.

What is waiting within your deepest self for you to find?  What is waiting for you to finally release and let go? Maybe you can set aside a special notebook or maybe even make one with 50 pages in it and take a few minutes for the next 50 days to write stuff down.

Let yourself be with yourself for a change.  Give that YOU some true quality time, not for worldly endeavors, but for soulful ones.  Decide to Go SLO=W.  Stop.  Listen.  Observe.  Voila, wisdom appears in the form of knowledge, self knowledge.  And as Bruce Lipton has said in his book, The Biology of Belief, "self knowledge is self empowerment".  What better way to usher out the old...decade, and usher in the new...decade than by empowering yourself FOR yourself!!!!

And lest you think this selfish, dear one, please know that the more you know and understand you, the better partner, friend, daughter, spouse etc you will be.  SO in reality, one of the least selfish things you can do.  It's way more selfish to wallow in your self doubt, your self pity, your self depreciation...well, I think you get the gist.

So, dear reader, go forth and get quiet for a bit.  Let your soul shine a bit and let it talk to you.  You will be guided I am sure.  And it may be a little bit scary, but nothing like those horror movies we are encouraged to see.  You can do this.  I have faith in you.

Be fierce.  Be brave.  Be present. 
Be You.

OK, I think that's it for this love letter for the wonderful 11:11 Mercury transit, New Decade in 50 days post.  Hope you will take this to heart and mark the passing of this decade with purpose!

Your Soul Catalyst,

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Letting Your Soul Shine

Letting Your Soul Shine

Thomas Moore, in his book, Care of the Soul, states that the soul is not a "thing" but rather a "quality or dimension of experiencing life and ourselves."  I don't know about you, but while I like the idea, I find it harder to relate to a quality than to an entity.  That's why I will write about the soul today as if it is a "thing", and a precious thing at that.  And the cool thing is that every single one of us has one...no need to be jealous or covet another's soul.  We don't have to do anything to keep it either.  We can't lose our soul, ever, no matter what.  But this doesn't mean we don't have responsibilities to our soul, just because we can't lose it.  In fact, if we really could understand how important the soul is, we would spend more time cherishing it and taking it into consideration more often.

But now that I think about it, we aren't very good at taking care of us on most levels.  Often, we struggle to take care of our physical health, we ignore our emotional health, we disregard our spiritual health and we don't even have a clue about our soul.  Or we have wrapped up the world so tightly with our cherished beliefs, we never stop to examine whether those beliefs are still valid in this day and age.

What the heck is going on?  With all the knowledge available to us these days, you'd think we could do a better job of providing our "self" with better TLC.  Tender.  Loving.  Care.
Before I go further, take a minute to reflect.  In what ways have you taken care of your "self" today?  Body?  Mind?  Spirit?  And yes, Soul?

Body    _______________________________
Mind    _______________________________
Spirit   _______________________________
Soul    _______________________________

Did you have at least one thing you did today for YOU in each category?

These don't have to be huge.  Simple is often best.  Taking one second to pause and breathe intentionally counts.  Stopping before you eat and saying a word of thanks.  Choosing to forgo that sweet snack.  Listening to your heartbeat and saying thanks.

Anyway, for this post let's focus on the soul.  Do you have a definition of soul?  Check out the dictionary for interesting responses.  I think I like the one that says that the soul is the "essence of a living being".  Now, let's define essence.  Here's one definition: the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character.  Hey, we're back to the idea that the soul is a quality, not a thing!  Interesting.  At least to me and I hope to you.

This brings up a question:  would you say your day to day life reflects the quality of your character?  What quality does it reflect?  Wait, what's the definition of quality?  OK, here's one:  The standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.

Degree of excellence.  Interesting.  Sounds to me like letting your soul shine means living with the sense that how you live your life matters, that getting in touch with the deepest, truest essence of yourself matters.  And, importantly, it seems that would include all aspects of our nature, not just the ones we accept or think are acceptable to others.

How might that play out for each of us?  Maybe it means we increase our self knowledge.  Maybe it means we take the time to sit in silence and listen to our soul talk.  The mind, the body, and even our spirit can override our deepest intrinsic nature.  Our ego often likes to take control and can really lead us away from our essence.  It's not that the ego is bad, it's just not always trusting of the quiet, the stillness, the vastness that is the soul.

Today, stop and find the time to listen deeply.  Find a way to communicate with your soul.  Then find a way to let your soul shine out in the world.  We need that light.

Let Your Soul Shine

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Soul and Fall Time

Fall Time
So, what's on your agenda for Fall?  Probably Halloween and Thanksgiving preparations.  Anything else come to mind for Fall?  Used to be the start of school, but most kids now do that while it's still summer.  Oh and now the big push is for all the pumpkin spice latte or whatever other "fall-type" flavor gets hyped.  Seems a little bit boring if you ask me.  Of course, I know you didn't ask.  But I decided to go ahead and share a bit more about what Fall Time agendas might look like, if we really wanted to go deep.

Fall Time comes after Summer Time, which is all about planting.  So, it makes sense that Fall Time is all about...


So, if you were to humor me and go deep instead of just drinking one more cinnamon flavored drink, what might you be ready to harvest in your life this year?  What have you been tenderly caring for and gently nourishing for the past 3 months?

Any idea?  I hope so, cause it's time.  You got three months to reap the fruits of your labors. This is if you take any stock in working with the seasons.  I know we live in a time when we can almost forget about seasons.  We can get almost any fruit or vegetable at any time of year.  We can experience the exact type of weather we want in the moment just by driving or flying to another part of the world.  We have options.  At least some of us do.  Others of us are not able to be quite so mobile or have endless resources to buy whatever season we might take a fancy to today.

Problem with that, is that's all artificial.  There are prices to pay for not living in harmony with nature and blooming right where you are planted.  If you lean to agreement with this, you may want to rethink your fall agenda.  

Can you take a few minutes to stop?  To get quiet and still?  To ask your deeper self if there's something that is ready to come to the surface and live more completely and center stage than it has been doing?  If you are living within the seasonal shifts, you might already know exactly what is ready for harvest.  But, if you haven't, this may cause a bit of unease.

That's really OK though, cause being uneasy may mean you are very close to discovering gold.  Gold ready to be dug up and purified.  Let yourself listen in, then move it.  Take the steps you need to bring forth your soul's bounty.

Your soul is waiting for you to recognize and claim its gifts.  In this time of harvest, won't you begin to reach out your hands and gather in the prize?

Steps to Harvest:

1.  Identify what it was your soul planted this Summer.
2.  Recognize if you have completed the preliminary steps needed for growth.
3.  Get busy and complete those steps if not yet done.
4.  Create a ceremony to honor your work.
5.  Enjoy!

In love,

The Soul Catalyst

Monday, August 5, 2019

The Story of the Snake

This is a story about a snake.  Now, I am very aware that there are many people who do not like snakes and are horrified by all things snake.  I am very aware that many people seem to have an irrational fear of snakes, as made apparent by people shuddering at just hearing the word.  Snake...

I for one, am not afraid of snakes.  Now, I have a healthy respect for snakes, that is for sure.  But it's the same respect I have for dogs...I don't just reach out to touch them before I am sure it is safe to do so.  But I will admire from a distance and appreciate them, dogs and snakes.

I also appreciate when I have the opportunity to see a snake in its natural habitat.  It seems we are usually so disconnected from nature that we never really get an opportunity to experience the real deal.  Here, at our home in Escondido, Ca. we are sometimes fortunate enough to meet the wilderness eye to eye.  And that's what this story is all about.

It began one weekend with my husband coming to find me.  We were both outside in our yard, but given that we have almost an acre of space, it took us a minute to meet up.  He told me he had just been scared almost to death by a snake!  And, good husband that he is, he knew I would love to experience Snake for myself.

I was so excited.  I hurried over to the area where Snake was when my husband found him.  Sure enough, there she was!

Now Snake really wanted nothing to do with me or my husband.  But she kindly allowed me to photograph her as she slithered away.

The next day my husband had another encounter with Snake, but I wasn't able to participate this time.  But he told me the tale.  As he was walking the yard, he just, once again, noticed Snake.  This time Snake was approaching one of the many gopher holes that populate our rural garden.  As my husband observed, Snake picked a hole and went in head first.  As he watched, the snake disappeared completely into the earth.  Makes you appreciate there is truly an underground world of which we know little about.

Given that we are not fond of the damage gophers can do to a yard, we were somewhat pleased that this snake was most likely a gopher snake.  Perhaps he might do what we could not, kill a gopher.  It is a fact that we can't make ourselves kill gophers.  We just can't, even when the opportunity presents itself.  We have sat and observed the little buggers come up out of their underground caves, snatch a flower and pull it back down into the tunnel.  Notice I said "observe".  Bye flower.

Anyway, I didn't get to see Snake go undercover.  But my husband still shivers when he recalls the snake disappearing before his eyes.  Did I mention he is not fond of snakes?   He's not.

At any rate, we were both pleased that maybe the natural cycle of life might assist us with our gopher population.  You know, a natural way to keep the numbers down since we weren't going to be doing it.  However, the story of Snake took another turn a few days later.  One that makes me sad still.  

A few days after Snake made her appearance into our lives, as I walked to the street to get the mail, I found Snake lying by the side of the road.  She didn't show any obvious signs of trauma as far as I could tell.  Over five feet of gopher snake lying there.  Just like that, she would no longer be able to assist us with the gophers.  Just like that she had completed her work in the world.

I couldn't bear just leaving her there even though I knew the turkey vultures would likely find her before too long.  I decided to get a stick, gather her up and bring her back onto our property.  I laid her down under one of our trees and vowed to get back to the body as soon as possible and bury her in our garden somewhere.  

However, before I was able to do so, my husband informed me Snake was gone.  The cycle continued with another wild species finding her and doing what comes naturally.  It ate her.  A day later I found what was left: a one foot long piece of Snake left on the ground in the same area where she had gone underground to find her prey.

Now, you may wonder why I felt it important enough to write about this sad tale.  Sad to me anyway.  First, I guess I wanted to memorialize Snake a little bit.  She really allowed us to see the cycle of life and vicariously participate in it.  I also think I wanted to see if those people who had seen my FB post about Snake and had responded negatively, I wondered if they would be sad to hear of her demise.  But, there's one more thing my mind ponders.  And it's this:

What if we equate her journey with ours?  We are here for a short time.  We do our thing.  Then, just like that, we are gone.  The cycle of birth, life, death.  Of course, I really don't imagine that Snake was conscious of her place in the universe.  I don't imagine she wondered if she had made a difference in her short time on earth.  I would be surprised to find out she suffered at all.  And yet...

What do I know?  After starting to write this story I decided to research a bit.  And imagine my surprise to find that more is known about snakes' inner lives than I was aware of.  Here's an amazing story to read:

Drats.  Well, I am glad that we didn't do anything to harm Snake.  I have to come to terms with the fact that in this case the cycle of life played out.  While I am sad, I am glad to have been able to see the cycle and been a small part of it.  I guess I also hope that, after reading this story, you might think differently about snakes and about the treatment of them.  Of course, that could lead to treating other animals better and maybe even other humans.

I hope so.

Here's to Snake, and to snakes everywhere.  And, here's to your life's journey.  Be sure you are doing your thing, living your life, and appreciating your place in the universe.  Wake up each day and vow to marvel at the world and your place in it.  Trust in the goodness of life.  Don't despair, and never give up.We don't know when the end of our cycle here on earth will come.  It will come.  Until it does, here's to you and to me.  

Hugs and love,

Verna, your soul catalyst

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Listen to Your Soul Talk

Are You Ready?

Ready for what?  Why, to listen to your soul talk.

Stop living from your head all the time.

Let that deep inner wisdom minister to you.

We are SO used to thinking, thinking, thinking.  Our minds are a great asset, don't get me wrong.  To lose one's mind is NOT a desired goal.  However, we must train our minds to work with the rest of us, not always lead us around like a trained monkey.

Research has shown that our bodies talk to us all the time.  We just ignore them.  Pain is one language our bodies use to speak.  Stop what you are doing.  Listen to me.  Wisdom is there.  We choose not to pay attention.  Our minds reason out why it's OK to keep doing what we are doing.  It's my life...

Spiritually even, we often allow our minds to run the show.  We decide with our minds what we will believe in, what is acceptable, how God works.  It is rare that we sense that Spirit within us.  It is rare to live our lives knowing that Spirit will guide us in our actions and our thoughts--if we take a minute to drop down into our hearts and get out of our heads.

That is a big IF.

Which brings us to the biggest challenge of all.
The Soul.

The deepest well of wisdom of all.
Yet, a well we seldom drink from.
Want proof?
Try to define soul for yourself.

I'm waiting.

I'm imagining it's a bit difficult for you.
And even if you define it to your satisfaction,
Now tell me how often you go there to that inner place to ask advice or to be consoled or to rest.

I'm writing today to encourage you to go there.
It's time.
Our world needs us to live from our Souls.

Are you ready to listen to your soul talk?
If so, take some time to Go SLO=W
Wisdom from your Soul appears.

Yes, it takes practice.  Your mind has run this show for so long.  It really is not ready to relinquish control.  But it will, in the long run, be SO happy with things once you do.

Maybe these questions will get you started with the whole "listen to your soul talk" thing.
Use them if they work, toss them out if they don't.
Easy peasy.

And, if you're looking for support or ideas on how to start listening to your soul talk, Integrative Wisdom is always here to help and guide.

Along with retreats and soul coaching there is a new offering in the works.

I couldn't be prouder of this card deck and guide book.
It's concrete proof of me walking my talk.
Only because I kept listening and kept taking steps,
even if they were baby ones...
I followed my heart,
listened to my soul,
and succeeded in birthing a tool that I believe can help so many people with their Soul Talk.

I am sending you love and light as you read this.
I am so excited for you.
Listen to your soul talk.
Live completely and with great joy.
Any you will make such a difference in this world.

Signing out for today,
Your Soul Catalyst, Verna

Monday, May 6, 2019

A Shining Star

I wrote a poem today.  It's a poem to encourage me to move, to not get stuck or bogged down by life, whether that's mine or someone else's.  To reach out, to risk, to speak up, to trust in the big picture, all the while enjoying the journey!  So, I share it with you today, hoping you may receive your own inspiration as you read.  

A Shining Star

This incarnation of ME
Has reminded me of the Life of a Star
Shining brightly in the sky.

From very far away,
I seem small and insignificant.

It is when you move in close that the
Magnificence is made manifest.
The power and the Heat,
The Radiance Revealed.

Let me live the month of May,
At the very least, this one month
As the star I was born to be.

Let me reveal the depth and the strength
And the mystery of my gifts
To the Glorious Galaxy
That surrounds us all.

I Choose to Move, to Reach Out and to Enjoy
ME as Star, bursting with Light
Sharing, Not stopping Until
ALL the Heat of ME
Is completely used up…

Verna J. Fisher
May 6, 2019

How’s your starlight shining these days?  Are you taking the time to notice?  Only you can create the conditions to allow your light to shine.  What do you need to do today to turn on that love light?  Are you ready?  What’s stopping you?  Here’s to taking the steps to break out of the darkness and into YOUR light.  Your Star Light.  We need your light now. 


Don't forget Integrative Wisdom is available for personalized coaching by phone or in person here at The Center of Creative Transformation.  Taking time to focus, to ask the important questions, and to listen to the responses goes a long way in helping us get to where we want to go in this life.  I'm here to assist you.  

Also, The Soul Catalyst cards are coming along.  So many details involved to birth such a baby.  I appreciate your love and your prayers and support as this comes into being.  Stay tuned for ways to help if you are so moved.  

Friday, March 22, 2019

What's Your Practice?

Lordy Mercy.  What a month this has been.  Coming off the high of getting my Integrative Wisdom card deck completed and having the article published in the SD Voyager on line magazine, my business plan was stopped cold by the events that transpired just a few days later.  Just yesterday, on  my birthday in fact, things were finally starting to settle down.  I decided to write my reflections now before more of life happens.

So, what could have happened to derail my business plan so suddenly?  A text message followed by a phone call alerting me to the fact my 89 year old mother had been transported to her local hospital due to severe shortness of breath.  My niece, who lives the closest to my mom, received the call early Sunday by my mother who stated, "I didn't know if I was gonna make it through the night."  Now mind you, she did not think or bother to call 911.  Instead, she waited for the sun to appear.  And called my niece who was Johnny on the spot and got to her grandma's in record time.  

My sister and family arrived within an hour and a half or so and my husband and I within 2 hours.  My mother was in the ER, in acute respiratory failure brought on by congestive heart failure (which was later upgraded to a heart attack).  I'd add a photo of her in the Bi-pap mask but she would kill me, so I won't.  Suffice it to say, it was very serious.  She was fighting the mask and was having a lot of difficulty calming herself down.  She felt as if she were suffocating to death, even though the mask was going to save her.  The ER doctor told us, "It's very serious."

Trauma Happens While You're Making Other Plans
The month had already been quite emotional for our extended family.  In December a family member's baby had gotten ill and died within a few weeks.  On the heels of that devastating loss, the 95 year old matriarch of the family died suddenly.  Her funeral was pending.  To the whole family's credit, once they got the news that the other family matriarch was in danger, almost every single one stopped their Sunday plans and came to the ER.  They wanted to be sure that if this was it, they were gonna be able to let her know how much they loved her and how important she was to their lives.

Now, another thing going on concurrently was that my sister and I were working on our mom's 90th birthday bash.  My sister was going in a million directions at once while I and my husband were trying to clean up a bit of mom's yard and prepare the space for the almost 90 people invited.  Suddenly all those plans were on hold as we waited to see if she was going to make it to 90 after all.  That Sunday in the ER she had 19 days to go.

I can't pretend to know what anyone else was going through during these scary days so the focus of this blog is to share my perspective and more importantly, how Integrative Wisdom worked to keep me mostly sane and how the practices I used reduced a huge amount of my stress.

Briefly, other things going on as I sat, first in the ER, and secondly in the hospital intensive care unit, included meeting my son's fiance for the first time, attending my ex mother-in-law's funeral, taking my best buddy from high school out for her birthday and celebrating, not only her birthday, but also finally getting well from complications from breast cancer treatment, continuing to plan for a party we weren't sure we could hold, learning about family secrets that were just that and trying to put that newly acquired knowledge into perspective, taking care of my three great grandsons for several days during their Spring break as promised to my granddaughter, prepare for an upcoming trip to Canada, and celebrate my birthday!

I'm trying to give you just a taste of what my soul, mind, body, and spirit were going through.  What is most important to this post however, is how my practice kept me sane and afloat.  I have always said it's important to have a practice in place before the you-know-what hits the fan.  And what follows is mine.

My Practice for When the You-Know-What Hits The Fan

Just seeing the photo above sends an immediate reminder to breathe.  Slow down.  Stop.  Breathe in with awareness and then let the breath out slowly.  Do it again.  And again.  This tool is probably the most important of all tools.  The benefits are instantaneous.  A nice cup of tea helps too... 

Nature as a Healing Force
Sitting in the hospital, whether in the ER, the intensive care unit, or the SNF, takes a huge toll on our minds, our bodies, our spirits, and our souls.  It is crucial to try and sneak a few minutes to step outside and be in nature.  Allowing your entire being to breathe in the beneficial effects of fresh air, the blue sky, the flowers, the trees, brings additional calm to a worried mind.  This really helped me cope with the long days of not knowing.  I especially appreciated when the birds would sing to me.

Deep Awareness

Pervading each and every moment of this month was the practice of being aware.  Being aware of my limitations, my beliefs, my values, and my strengths as well as others' limitations, beliefs, values, and strengths, allowed for a depth of presence to the decisions and tasks at hand.  This reduced the amount of friction that can occur when family members come together to solve problems or face difficult situations.  I'm not perfect with this practice, but I am good enough at it that it helps me immensely. 

Remembering to Look for the Blessings
In all of the chaos this past month, there have been many blessings.  It's such a comfort to identify and recognize this during all the struggles, sorrow, fear, anger, and pain.  Taking that moment to breathe, to acknowledge the situation, and then to give thanks for the little things, the big things, and to consciously look for the silver lining meant that I was able to find the blessings that were there.

Identifying a Talisman and Sharing with Community
This was a fun and super exciting moment.  My granddaughter took the time to create special bracelets out of important beads of mine.  We then shared them with a few of the women in our lives that were also going through big life changes or challenges.  I recommend finding a way to identify a talisman of some significance, at least for yourself to hold on to, and then if possible, finding a way to include a community of support as well.  When I wore my bracelet,  I remembered the women were holding me up as I went through my day.  And I knew they knew I was holding them up as well.

Turn to your Angels and Guides

Not only is it helpful to find your community here on earth, but it's also helpful to call on your spiritual support team.  I find comfort in trusting I have this team in place.  You will have to figure out if this is something you believe in.  Then, be sure to call on your team as soon as you realize there is a situation developing that will tax your body, your mind, your spirit, or your soul.

Celebrate the Victories
Lastly, for this post, it is really important to be sure to take time to celebrate the wins.  I was responsible for so much this past month but I also wanted to be responsible to me.  My birthday is a special day to me and I never work on my birthday.  I wanted this to be the same during this stressful time.  And, I was able to have my birthday fun.  Of course it took a team effort to make it happen and of course I was still receiving calls about my mom and her care, so it was still a bit stressful.  I made sure to use the "breathe" tip when I had to take a call.

Going forward, as far as my mom's situation goes, will require me to continue to use my practice.  She's home now and is reintegrating herself back into her home routine.  She will need support but we aren't yet sure what that arrangement will look like.  She knows her daughters will do as much as they can to assist, but she also knows that we have our own responsibilities and families to tend to.  Using my Integrative Wisdom practice, I am hopeful I will stay healthy and sane.

Oh, yes, humor is another very important tool to use...

I hope you have learned something useful from reading this blog.  And I hope that if you are interested in creating your own personal healing practice but need some help, you will reach out to me at Integrative Wisdom.  It would be my honor to assist you.

PS, my mom's party was a huge success!!!

The Seat of Honor

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

It Takes As Long As It Takes

What you see here is the lucky shot.  The Super Full Snow Moon was making its way out of sight so I stopped what I was doing, braved the cold morning air and ran outside to take a photo.  When I got outside, the moon had gone behind the clouds, nowhere to be seen.  Drats, I thought, and went back inside.  But I couldn't give up.  Instead, I went into the bedroom and peeked out the curtains.  Whoa, there she was!  I snapped my picture, then went outside to take another shot.  And she was gone!  I am glad I didn't give up the first time and that I got this shot.  This experience of today leads me to my topic for the month, which you  might think is "never give up" but no.  My real point is this: 

It takes as long as it takes.

This past weekend I reached a major milestone in my life's journey.  But even I didn't realize how long it has taken  me to achieve it.  I had told my husband that I had been working on this project since about 2012 or so.  If that were true, I achieved my goal in just under 7 years.  Quite a long time, wouldn't you say?  As I mulled over how long it had been since I began to dream of creating a deck of cards, kind of an oracle or affirmation deck of cards, I realized it probably wasn't 2012.  In 2012 I had changed the name of my business from Wisdom Works to Integrative Wisdom and my little set of  home made index cards had a title reflecting Wisdom Works.

This meant that I had to have started this idea before I changed the name of my company.  Out to The Center of Creative Transformation I went, where all my memories and important papers pertaining to the business are stored.  After going through a mere five journals and yearly calendars, I found what I was looking for.  And the date blew me away.  I had started my dream not in 2012, but in 2007.  Right there in the journal was an entry that stated I bought the little notebook just so I could begin to write down my ideas for a deck of Wisdom Works cards.  There was another note added later which said, "prototype cards completed Oct 2010".  Well. Well. Well.

While I hadn't thought about this project constantly over the past twelve years, it was always there, on the back burner of my mind.  For some reason, maybe having given up my hospice social work career, who knows, but anyway, for some reason I was inspired to work on-going throughout January to finish this project.  The card deck needed a booklet to explain the cards and I wrote an 80 page booklet to explain it all.  I then created a homemade version of the cards and the booklet.  See below:

I was so inspired by this completion, I have already identified another whole set of tools that will become my second set of cards!

But back to now.  I hope my experience will give someone reading this the encouragement to never give up and to trust that it will take as long as it takes, but it will happen.  I am living proof that the soul guides us on and is true to our path, as long as we keep walking.  Don't stop, even when you get discouraged.  Don't judge, even when things look bleak.  Don't despair, always keep your chin up and trust in the vision.  It may not be your idea of success or the world's idea of accomplishment, but that isn't what's important.  What's important is to put that one foot in front of the other and walk.

I did have the gift of time this month.  I did use Integrative Wisdom tools as I worked.  Lighting a candle, setting an intention, using sage and palo santo wood to clear the energy and focus my mind all made the work seem to flow. 

For some of you, that may seem immaterial or even a "waste" of time.  Those who are more practical may find this silly.  That's important to notice.  You don't have to do it my way.  However, it is important to find out your way, what methods will increase the chances you will follow your dreams and pursue those areas that are not that easy for you. I would also add that, no matter who you are or how you work, setting an intention is  basic.  Be as clear as you can about your goals.  And if you aren't that clear yet, don't give up.

It takes as long as it takes and that's ok.  My last thought for this post is to share that I am considering keeping this set "home made".  I don't have a huge following (yet!) and I like the idea of making this a kind of "farm to table" tool.  I appreciate any reflections about this.  It would keep the cost of the cards down and that's a good thing.  Maybe perfectionists might not see the plus side to this idea.  But those of us who live with "good enough" will most likely appreciate the sentiment. 

PS They aren't the index card version...see below:

52 cards.  80 page booklet.
The Soul Catalyst Card Deck featuring the 4 in 1 healing system of Integrative Wisdom.
Please share your thoughts about the production aspect of the cards.  And reach out to me if you would like to own your own set. You can find me at my fb page:
Integrative Wisdom by Verna Fisher MSW or at my website: www.integrativewisdom.org

Thursday, January 31, 2019

One Month Down. Eleven To Go.

Last night I had a dream.  In this dream, I was given a puppy.  I didn't say NO to the puppy, which is NOT like me.  I took it.  Thus began the adventure of which I only remember one detail. 

There was nowhere for me to put the puppy down.  Where ever I went, the puppy was in my arms.  And in my dream, I was ok with holding the puppy.  Except for one thing.  I knew the puppy needed to be put down for his own good.  And that caused me much distress.  Everywhere I went, I searched for a place to put the puppy down.  No luck.  There were no appropriate places for my puppy, at least in the places I found myself.

I woke up still searching.  The message in the dream?  Not sure.  But I've always read that if you remember your dream there is some significance to pay attention to, some information of value or importance for you to notice.  So, what better way to pay attention than to write about it and share it with others.

Here at Little Idaho, Dreams Really Do Come True.

As we end this first month of 2019 maybe it's a good time for a quick look back.   How's this year unfolding for you so far?  Are you making progress on those goals, those dreams, those tasks that need completing?  Have you paid attention to the passing of days?  Cause, voila, here we are.

One-twelfth gone, just like that (here you can snap your fingers).  Good news is, there is eleven-twelfths to go!  Woo-hoo!  Depending on this first twelfth, you are either hitting your stride or you have serious work to do.  And remember, it's not just about doing that we are talking about here.  We are talking about the work you need to do to meet both outer and inner goals.  So for some of us, that will be NOT doing.  The goal or the task will be to find that quiet place and sit there.  To sit and reflect and ponder.  To question.  To receive.  To notice.  To simply be.  Simple.  Right?

NOT!  For most of us it's not so easy to be simple.  It's not part of the mainstream culture to stop what we are doing and simply be.  It's not in our vocabulary to see success as being, simply sitting and breathing and taking in the beauty around us.  Or to sit and allow us to get in touch with our bodies and our emotions and to notice something is amiss.  We rush and rush and when we get sick, we are so surprised.  And then, most likely, we chalk it up to factors outside our control. 

It could also be that our lives are just plain complicated.  We have so many responsibilities and so much to do that we scoff at the very idea of just sitting in the quiet and contemplating our lives.  While it is true our lives are very messy and busy, it's also true that more likely than not, when we do have a bit of time we end up making plans to DO something fun, something exciting, something wild, something big, something that we can tell our friends about, or post great photos on FB or...

And of course, that's ok too.  It's just important to be real and honest about it all.  There are times we DO have time.  We just need to add the option of doing nothing as our something.  I call this time Soul Time.  And let me be clear...doing and achieving our dreams and goals may very well be Soul work.  But typically, unless we have taken the time to go within and listen, we aren't aware of this.  Most likely our dreams and goals are outer directed, picked up during our travels through this world by listening or observing what others call important or successful or worthy of our time.

Getting back to the end of this month...maybe you will decide to stop for a few minutes.  Take a few deep breaths, and take stock of how you are doing.  Listen not only to the voices in your head, but also the messages from your body.  Sense any tightness or discomfort and ask the question:  "what's wrong?"  Listen for the answer.  Then take steps to put that puppy down.  For its own good.

Put That Puppy Down For Its Own Good
In closing, as I look back on my January, I am mostly satisfied with my actions and inaction.  As I reflect today and as I notice and listen to my inner workings, I sense that overall I am on the right path in this new year.  In February I will be putting some finishing touches on a few important projects for Integrative Wisdom.  I will be continuing to offer healing sessions and coaching both in person and by phone.  I will be opening up my coaching practice by phone to men again!  (This is great news and very much right timing!)  I will be working on my mom's 90th birthday party.  Lots of Soul time here.  What about you?  Sending you my warm wishes as you go forward. 

Here's to living from a Soul Place. 

Love, Your Soul Catalyst, Verna

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Oh, No. Not again... Really???

I am writing this post exactly 3 days after Epiphany, the ah ha day, or the day, as Legend has it, that the Three (or four) Wise Men found Jesus lying in a manger (or in a cave).  Whatever.  You know what I am talking about.  And this is relevant to this post because?  Well, because I just had an ah ha moment.  Epiphany Day!  Woohoo!

As I was changing the sheets in our guest room, I happened to look up.  As I looked up I saw the ceiling fan.  What???  I couldn't believe my eyes.  I just cleaned that sucker.  How is it possible it is already dirty and dusty?  Sighing deeply, I realize it's time to once again get out the step stool and wipe it down.  Clean it off.  Make it shiny and bright again. Rejuvenize it.  Fine.  If it weren't for the fact we have guests arriving in a few days I might have decided to let it stay dirty and dusty a bit longer.  But, as luck would have it, I did at least see this before the horror of having my guests be the ones to find it.

OK, enough of the back story.  Now, what about this Epiphany of mine?  If you know anything about me, you know that I have been following this path of Soul for a long time.  If you know anything about me, you know that's how I came to be the owner and creator of The Center of Creative Transformation, a center for healing and finding peace.  And...if you know anything about me you know that I am always struggling to hold my center, to trust the force Luke and to believe I am still and always guided by a force larger than myself.  And if you don't know me, read on.  Well, even if you do know me I hope you read on.

There are times I get down as I realize this is an on going process.  I may give myself a lecture as I doubt, feel fear, or think of giving up.  And then, I remember my own wisdom:  It's all about the practice.  It's not a one time enlightenment experience.  It's about finding the dust and cobwebs that have somehow returned when I wasn't looking.  It is about dusting my soul off and finding the light that is always there, even in times of doubt and disbelief.  The soul is not a whimp.  Even when we let the dust and cobwebs gather, the soul will find ways to get our attention.  Even in mundane ways, as in finding a dirty ceiling fan you thought was perfectly clean.

So, dear one. How might this be relevant to you?  Is it about checking your ceiling fans to be sure they are clean?  Maybe.  I've heard a clean house is a happy house.  But, most likely, as you well know, that is not my point.  As Your Soul Catalyst, I am here to be that voice, to grab your attention and to call you to an Epiphany moment of your own.  How's your soul practice coming along?  Maybe you will feel better knowing it's a practice and not a one time deal.  But still.  Is it time to dust off your Soul and let it breathe a bit better?

I just happen to know a perfect place to assist you in that.  Let me know if I can help.  In the meantime, here's to you, your soul, your ceiling fans, and your practice.  Never give up.