Thursday, January 31, 2019

One Month Down. Eleven To Go.

Last night I had a dream.  In this dream, I was given a puppy.  I didn't say NO to the puppy, which is NOT like me.  I took it.  Thus began the adventure of which I only remember one detail. 

There was nowhere for me to put the puppy down.  Where ever I went, the puppy was in my arms.  And in my dream, I was ok with holding the puppy.  Except for one thing.  I knew the puppy needed to be put down for his own good.  And that caused me much distress.  Everywhere I went, I searched for a place to put the puppy down.  No luck.  There were no appropriate places for my puppy, at least in the places I found myself.

I woke up still searching.  The message in the dream?  Not sure.  But I've always read that if you remember your dream there is some significance to pay attention to, some information of value or importance for you to notice.  So, what better way to pay attention than to write about it and share it with others.

Here at Little Idaho, Dreams Really Do Come True.

As we end this first month of 2019 maybe it's a good time for a quick look back.   How's this year unfolding for you so far?  Are you making progress on those goals, those dreams, those tasks that need completing?  Have you paid attention to the passing of days?  Cause, voila, here we are.

One-twelfth gone, just like that (here you can snap your fingers).  Good news is, there is eleven-twelfths to go!  Woo-hoo!  Depending on this first twelfth, you are either hitting your stride or you have serious work to do.  And remember, it's not just about doing that we are talking about here.  We are talking about the work you need to do to meet both outer and inner goals.  So for some of us, that will be NOT doing.  The goal or the task will be to find that quiet place and sit there.  To sit and reflect and ponder.  To question.  To receive.  To notice.  To simply be.  Simple.  Right?

NOT!  For most of us it's not so easy to be simple.  It's not part of the mainstream culture to stop what we are doing and simply be.  It's not in our vocabulary to see success as being, simply sitting and breathing and taking in the beauty around us.  Or to sit and allow us to get in touch with our bodies and our emotions and to notice something is amiss.  We rush and rush and when we get sick, we are so surprised.  And then, most likely, we chalk it up to factors outside our control. 

It could also be that our lives are just plain complicated.  We have so many responsibilities and so much to do that we scoff at the very idea of just sitting in the quiet and contemplating our lives.  While it is true our lives are very messy and busy, it's also true that more likely than not, when we do have a bit of time we end up making plans to DO something fun, something exciting, something wild, something big, something that we can tell our friends about, or post great photos on FB or...

And of course, that's ok too.  It's just important to be real and honest about it all.  There are times we DO have time.  We just need to add the option of doing nothing as our something.  I call this time Soul Time.  And let me be clear...doing and achieving our dreams and goals may very well be Soul work.  But typically, unless we have taken the time to go within and listen, we aren't aware of this.  Most likely our dreams and goals are outer directed, picked up during our travels through this world by listening or observing what others call important or successful or worthy of our time.

Getting back to the end of this month...maybe you will decide to stop for a few minutes.  Take a few deep breaths, and take stock of how you are doing.  Listen not only to the voices in your head, but also the messages from your body.  Sense any tightness or discomfort and ask the question:  "what's wrong?"  Listen for the answer.  Then take steps to put that puppy down.  For its own good.

Put That Puppy Down For Its Own Good
In closing, as I look back on my January, I am mostly satisfied with my actions and inaction.  As I reflect today and as I notice and listen to my inner workings, I sense that overall I am on the right path in this new year.  In February I will be putting some finishing touches on a few important projects for Integrative Wisdom.  I will be continuing to offer healing sessions and coaching both in person and by phone.  I will be opening up my coaching practice by phone to men again!  (This is great news and very much right timing!)  I will be working on my mom's 90th birthday party.  Lots of Soul time here.  What about you?  Sending you my warm wishes as you go forward. 

Here's to living from a Soul Place. 

Love, Your Soul Catalyst, Verna

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Oh, No. Not again... Really???

I am writing this post exactly 3 days after Epiphany, the ah ha day, or the day, as Legend has it, that the Three (or four) Wise Men found Jesus lying in a manger (or in a cave).  Whatever.  You know what I am talking about.  And this is relevant to this post because?  Well, because I just had an ah ha moment.  Epiphany Day!  Woohoo!

As I was changing the sheets in our guest room, I happened to look up.  As I looked up I saw the ceiling fan.  What???  I couldn't believe my eyes.  I just cleaned that sucker.  How is it possible it is already dirty and dusty?  Sighing deeply, I realize it's time to once again get out the step stool and wipe it down.  Clean it off.  Make it shiny and bright again. Rejuvenize it.  Fine.  If it weren't for the fact we have guests arriving in a few days I might have decided to let it stay dirty and dusty a bit longer.  But, as luck would have it, I did at least see this before the horror of having my guests be the ones to find it.

OK, enough of the back story.  Now, what about this Epiphany of mine?  If you know anything about me, you know that I have been following this path of Soul for a long time.  If you know anything about me, you know that's how I came to be the owner and creator of The Center of Creative Transformation, a center for healing and finding peace.  And...if you know anything about me you know that I am always struggling to hold my center, to trust the force Luke and to believe I am still and always guided by a force larger than myself.  And if you don't know me, read on.  Well, even if you do know me I hope you read on.

There are times I get down as I realize this is an on going process.  I may give myself a lecture as I doubt, feel fear, or think of giving up.  And then, I remember my own wisdom:  It's all about the practice.  It's not a one time enlightenment experience.  It's about finding the dust and cobwebs that have somehow returned when I wasn't looking.  It is about dusting my soul off and finding the light that is always there, even in times of doubt and disbelief.  The soul is not a whimp.  Even when we let the dust and cobwebs gather, the soul will find ways to get our attention.  Even in mundane ways, as in finding a dirty ceiling fan you thought was perfectly clean.

So, dear one. How might this be relevant to you?  Is it about checking your ceiling fans to be sure they are clean?  Maybe.  I've heard a clean house is a happy house.  But, most likely, as you well know, that is not my point.  As Your Soul Catalyst, I am here to be that voice, to grab your attention and to call you to an Epiphany moment of your own.  How's your soul practice coming along?  Maybe you will feel better knowing it's a practice and not a one time deal.  But still.  Is it time to dust off your Soul and let it breathe a bit better?

I just happen to know a perfect place to assist you in that.  Let me know if I can help.  In the meantime, here's to you, your soul, your ceiling fans, and your practice.  Never give up.