Sunday, September 20, 2020

Time Is...

Last December, yes way back then, I sent out our Christmas card with an inspirational reminder of sorts.  It said:
Time is:

My Greatest Gift
My Greatest Responsibility
My Greatest Challenge
My Greatest Inspiration

May I Strive to Remember that My Time is NOW
Let Me Use it Well and Wisely

This blogpost will walk us through these four greats. After all, we only three months left to follow the wisdom within the reminder.  Might be a perfect time to take stock.
My Greatest Gift

Fall Time

See the leaves are turning...Fall is Upon Us

September 22 marks 2020's entry into the season of Autumn.  Usually there would be a special gathering here at The Center of Creative Transformation.  Unfortunately, the "time" we find ourselves living in will not allow for a gathering in person.  However, that doesn't mean we don't create our own special ceremony to mark this event.  It's easy to do but it requires the will.  Here's a bit of help if you find yourself with the will to do:

  1. Set the time and the day, preferably the 22nd!  But if you miss that date, do it when you can. 
  2. Gather a few special items that reflect this seasonal change for you, including a candle and perhaps a leaf from your yard or your neighborhood.  Arrange them in a special place where they can stay for a week or so.
  3. Have your journal or writing paper handy so you can jot down any wisdom that makes itself known to you this day.
  4. Have some quiet music, perhaps without words, to play during this ceremony.
  5. Start with a prayer, a reading, a poem or any other words of wisdom to center and ground you.
  6. Ponder the last 3 months and whether you were able to stick with your goals or dreams.  Take time to see if you were using your gift of "time" wisely.
  7. Write down your insights.
  8. When you are ready, end with a moment of gratitude.
  9. Return to your life, prepared to harvest the fruits of your labors.
  10. Determine to keep the spirit alive until you are met by the Winter Solstice.
Now, this is just a general guideline for you.  Feel free to change it up and make this your own!

My Greatest Responsibility

Japanese Cranes Made to Represent Internment Camp "Prisoners"

As I reflect on this "time" we currently find ourselves in, I am driven to ask whether any of us have taken this to heart.  Now, I realize not all of my readers are on my Christmas card list and therefore would not have received these words of wisdom, but, I am sure that some folks may have been inclined to view "time" in this way, at least once or twice.  At least I'd like to think so.  Our "time" is NOW.

This "time" we live in, this now, here in the United States, has challenged us in ways we haven't seen since maybe the '60's.  Turmoil and strife have not normally been our day to day experience.  We may have grown a bit too complacent, thinking we had it all, and that we were in control of our own lives, our comfort, our well-being and our safety.  Maybe, and one thing is certain now - we are faced with the realization what we thought no longer applies.  We are beginning to realize that while we may have felt these things, there have been many among us who faced a very different reality.  And this is becoming painfully apparent.

In this "time", it seems we are more at odds with family, friends and neighbors than we could have ever imagined.  In this "time", it seems that truth evades us even when we sincerely seek it out.  In this "time", our grief and our sorrow seem to overwhelm us with the pain.  In this "time", it seems there is no end to the contradictions and conundrums we are faced with.  In this "time", the anger, the frustration, the deep chasm of emotions often seems to override our sense of calm and decency.  

And, I must admit that I am overwhelmed in this "time".  I really thought that humanity had evolved further than it appears we have.  I have struggled to understand just how low we could go.  But then, I began to watch the Netflix series "Call the Midwife".  And I was reminded of a few things.  Have you watched this series yet?  I know there are those who are calling for a ban on Netflix.  I am not one of them.  And I can't recommend this series more.

In case you haven't seen it, the setting is the late 50's in a poor section of England.  Main characters are Anglican nuns and nurses who have a specialty - midwifery.  Sounds like each episode would be more of the same...delivering babies.  Boring.  I thought this and almost stopped watching.  But I am so glad I kept going.

Call the Midwife brings me to tears every single episode, sometimes to the point of sobbing.  Watching this show painfully reminds me of how things were in a different "time".  Of how cruel humans are to one another and how hatred, bigotry and prejudice are not just from our "time".  This show has reminded me that we here is the USA are simply, unfortunately, continuing the baser human actions that have occurred across time and space.  We are examples of human underdevelopment...

Another way to say this is that we are simply unconscious of what we are doing.  Digging in our heels, refusing to listen, saying angry and mean and scary things to one another.  Allowing radicals on all sides to highjack dialogue, to lead us down roads of half truths and down right lies.  Refusing to take responsibility for our own actions.  Thinking me first.  

Integrative Wisdom is my small way to try and wake us from our slumber.  The work I do serves to try and unlock the doors to our inner realms and help us face what we find.  I am working to do my best to bring conscious awareness of what is needed to heal humanity and to change our ways.  It is my hope that you too will find ways to do the same.  I have faith it can be so.

My Greatest Challenge
The Integrative Wisdom Chaka Series

See the nine videos on You Tube

The latest offering from Integrative Wisdom is my nine part series on the chakras.  I think the greatest "takeaway" for me during the filming was the realization that most of our spirituality is more of a first chakra energy, rather than a seventh chakra energy.  It is a challenge to recognize we may not be as nice or as loving or as kind as we hoped.  We may find our motives are not pure.  It may be time to learn more about the energy we are sending out, not only to ourselves, but to the world.  You can jump right in to watch the 9th video to see what I'm talking about or watch them all.  Let me know what you think.  I welcome dialogue.

My Greatest Inspiration
In Honor of Justice Ginsburg

Ha, while we may have thought that we had enough to divide us, another event has rocked our country  with the death of one of our supreme court justices.  Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, RBG, died.  While she requested that the government wait until after the election to pursue a replacement, the powers that be suggest a quick process.  Those who see justice through a democratic lens are expressing fear and anger at this.  They express a sense of despair.  However, it is also being shared that Justice Ginsburg has accomplished her work in the world, and in fact, it is now those left behind who are called to take up the good fight.

If indeed, you are feeling despair, anger, sorrow and think about giving up, think again.  It may just be that each of us are now being called to recognized the "time" for us to act has come.  Do we care enough to follow in her footsteps?  And it's important to note that whatever side of the country's struggles you are on, you are on the carpet to make sure you are acting with decency and moral fortitude.

This might be the most difficult part as we are so genuinely unaware of our own biases or judgements or blame.  Whatever your stance, you will benefit by displaying compassion while expressing your beliefs and opinions.  This is wisdom we can really benefit from.  Trust me.  Our immune systems depend on it.


Don't Forget to Prepare For Dia de los Muertos

Coming the end of October...
A Great Way to Honor "Time"
And Those Who Have Gone Before


Another special day in October is the 11th.  On this day, Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh will turn 94 years old.  It has been 6 years since a major stroke affected him.  His community states he is beginning to show signs of physical decline and they are planning a major spiritual event for his birthday or what his community calls his "continuation day".  They ask that we might practice a walking meditation and to forgive and love those with whom we might have difficulties.

What a perfect "time" to practice this.  No?  Yes.  There will be some form of ceremony here that day.  It seems only appropriate.  I would love to hear if you will do so as well.


Dear Friends, by now I am sure you know my work in the world is about healing.  It's not about taking sides, but it is about waking up to a truth that is truth and that can't be manipulated or staged or contrived.  We can begin to live in this truth, but only if we recognize our biases and our prejudices and our shadow beliefs.  This takes personal development work.  I am here to assist as a catalyst and a guide, a personal development coach with your growth in mind and heart.  Let me know if you are ready to do your work.

Until then,
Your Soul Catalyst,

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

It's a Pondering Time


It's a pondering time in my world.  What about you?  There is SO much happening.  There are SO many distressing events.  There is SO little lack of consensus as to what needs to change.  It is heart wrenching.  It is stomach turning.  It is mind blowing.  And for the soul--it is time to come forth out of obscurity and shine some light into this world.  

Yes, this is deep time.  And deep time is Soul Time.  This is not a time to despair however.  It is a time to dig deep and to reach for the better part of us that we DO have.  The surface "Me" is not going to suffice.  Are you prepared to ponder?

Whatever your faith tradition or your belief system, or your nothing at all system, it might be a great time to ponder.  What in the world is happening?  Maybe we can forget the why part for now.  "What" might be a good start. It's pretty clear here in the United States that we are pretty divided in our opinions on our current situation.  And it's not just those we dislike that see things differently, it's our friends and our family.  Close to the bone you might say.  Which can make it even more painful.

One thing I consistently cling to is the realization that people I love and care about may see things very differently than me.  Because I love and care about them, it is important for me to listen deeply to what they say.  It may be that I can, at the very least, tap into the core of their understanding of events or issues.  I may still disagree but I don't demonize them or post things that would do so.

Naturally, I would hope they might return this favor.  Maybe that's why I post this today.  Perhaps, by reading this, a few more people will stop and ponder.  Where is the connection?  What might be the thread that runs through these times that can bring us back to a sense of common courtesy?   Is it important for me to stop before I post, to ponder and consider, to take a brief second and make sure I am not labeling others as the enemy, when it is very clear they are not.

This is a pondering time.  As we move forward every day to some new choice before us, or some decision we must make, I ask that we stop, consider that which we sign our name to, and move forward ONLY when we trust this is for our betterment, our personal and the collective good.  These simple steps can move us in the right direction.  No more demonizing others simply because their assessment of things is different from our own.  

NO, it doesn't mean to give up your cherished stance, but it may mean that you ponder another's.  If both people speak deeply and sincerely, without the need to be right or on top, there will be some, even if only a slight amount, of "give".  We may disagree on the big things but it seems to me that in the way  that we speak to each other there can be consensus.  And in that, perhaps we all find common ground.

It's my prayer we start today.  We can do this together.  Now.

In love,
Your Soul Catalyst, Verna