I am not a procrastinator. And yet, here I find myself waiting until the last day of October to write something. Glad I am sneaking in under the wire because this is a powerful day, a powerful weekend, and we are entering a powerful week. Let's start with today. It's what we in the west call Halloween, but today is called All Hallow's Eve by the Christian Scottish folks. Another term is All Saint's Eve as we move into a period of honoring those who have died. From Mexico we have Dia de los Muertos and anyone who has seen the movie Coco was blessed with a heartfelt view of the importance of these days.
It's also a full moon day, a Blue Moon at that, meaning it's the second moon this month. Those who are into astrology will have much knowledge of the energy available to us. I am not well versed in this field but recommend finding an astrologer you like and listen in. Here's one link:
Our Blue Moon
It Won't Appear Blue
And just to be clear, it's not gonna be blue in color...
So Happy Halloween everyone!
Moving into All Saint's Day. Have you ever created a special altar or sacred space for your loved ones who have died? Given this may not be your cultural belief, you can still adapt it to a place of honor in your life. It can be as simple or as elaborate as you like. A simple lighting of a candle and a poem or a prayer, the reciting of the names of those you are honoring works.
Or go all out as you see in the many Dia de los Muertos celebrations or as shown in the movie Coco. Did I mention that is a great movie? Well, in case you missed it, put that on the play list.
Breathe and Go Forward in Wisdom
Which brings us to the importance of this coming week for our entire country and even the global community. I was reminded of the struggle for women's rights when I tuned into the movie, "I Am Woman" about Helen Reddy's life and how this epic song came to be. It was made in 2019, before her death, which made watching it that much more touching. Many younger women today are really not aware of those women who made their lives possible and that they are standing on the shoulders of these brave souls.
Whatever your position on things these days, do not take your responsibilities lightly. Honor our story, of how women came to be seen as separate from the male and how they had to fight for these freedoms we now enjoy. There have been many memes listing all the things women could not do and I myself walked through the mess, realizing I was born into an amazing time, when strong and visionary women fought for equal rights next to men.
Here's to Helen and to the women who have stood up for our rights.
I Am Woman
Watch the movie too.
Lastly, as we move into this brand new month, recognize yours own understanding of how you show up to your life. Pay attention as to how you pay attention. See if there is any place for a greater opening into the gift that is you. And I hope you will honor even more every day, the mystery that is this amazing journey of life. We are blessed by so much. Let's be sure to say thanks!
Enter Into the Mystery that is LIFE...
Sending Love.
Your Soul Catalyst, Verna