Sunday, March 21, 2021

Springing into SPRING

Yea!  If you are able to read this, you made it out of Winter and are firmly sitting in Spring Time.  I don't know about you, but Spring is my absolute favorite season.  Given I have lived in Southern California my whole life, you might argue that we only have Spring season here.  But the funny thing is, when you do live in Southern California your whole life, you experience what seems to you to be in fact seasons.  So there.  I repeat:  Spring is my favorite season!  Yea, Spring.

With Spring comes new hope, new dreams after surviving the harsh winter months.  The days of darkness and cold.  The barren ground.  The deep silence of winter.  When we move into the Spring Time, we move into the vast land of possibility.  What wasn't possible in Winter might very well be in Spring.  And so we dream.

What dreams do you entertain this year?  What seeds are you willing to plant?  You know that nothing grows without taking the steps to make it happen, right?  And yet it may be that making it through 2020 and all the changes we were forced to make have left us a bit fatigued and perhaps grieving many losses of many kinds.  We may find that we are struggling to get the gumption to start again.  If that describes you, I hope you may find a bit of hope in these words.

Fingers Crossed?

Spring.  The earth begins to reveal her magic as new buds sprout and plants you forgot you had begin to rise up out of the barren ground.  The birds sing songs that sound like joy on steroids.  The sky brings both beautiful blueness and also the fluffiest white clouds imaginable.  There is an energy of aliveness that wasn't there just a few days ago.  And we get to partake of it all.

There is a caveat however.  We too, must shake loose the winter doldrums and bring that Spring energy within ourselves.  It helps to do a few things to make it easier to feel the shift.  Let's talk about that.

First, it's always a good thing to formally recognize the change.  We do that here normally with our Gathering and the Changing of the Seasons event.  With COVID still around, we won't be doing that here but we will be meeting on the next best thing.  ZOOM anyone?  Check out the FB page to find the details.

If that doesn't work, please create your own special moment to honor Spring in your life.  This gives you an opportunity to listen to your inner prompts, to see what wants to be nurtured this year and what your soul wants you to tend to.

Second, be sure to take some time to evaluate what was important to you just last year.  Are you still on the right track?  Perhaps things have changed so much that it's important to reset your compass.  This may be a bit scary as you have already invested much of your time and treasure in this direction.  But if you have gotten a bit lost, it's better to reset now rather than find yourself even further down a road that is really not your best road.

You may want to take time to walk about and listen to nature.  See if you are drawn to certain objects and if so, take time to mull over their significance.  Some people will do a reading with an intuitive deck of cards like Tarot or Runes.  They are always fun to work with.  If these don't suit you, see if there is any other practice that works for you.  The main idea is to go deeper than the every day world you can see.

You have both the freedom and responsibility to wake up in Spring Time.  Perhaps the shift of energy around you will be enough to propel you forward.  Perhaps.  But, more likely, you will need that extra kick in the pants we have been talking about to really make the most of this wonderful new aliveness that surrounds us.  

What will you do?  Step up?  Step out?  YES!  Sounds like a perfect plan.  If you have any questions about steps to take or how to set up your ceremony to welcome Spring, just let me know.  I am so easy to find...

Here's to you and to your Spring Time and your Dreams and that Spring in your step!

Your Soul Catalyst, 


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

That Place of Deep Silence

I received news today that stopped me in my tracks, that completely took my breath away.  News that moved me into that place of deep silence.  News that is really not that surprising, given the times in which we live.  News that might have been expected after phone calls received last evening.  And yet.  The news hit like that wave that catches you on the shore and tosses you violently face first into the sand.  The news that ripples out to dozens and dozens of family and friends, tossing them as well.  Everyone given the news broken open.

It seems fitting to post today.  It's not every day that grabs your heart and squeezes it thus.  Given this blog is all about the soul and things that matter most, today I write.

Yesterday I received the first of the two COVID-19 vaccines.  I am joining in the company of others my age who are graced with the gift of this hopeful drug.  There is so much discussion around this and the social protocols asked of us to try and diminish the spread of the virus.  So much that close family members, neighbors and friends often walk away from each other, unable to come to peace with the others' views.  Today a family member died from complications of COVID-19.  He was too young to be in line for the vaccine and I don't even know if he would want it.  What I do know, is that he died.  And leaves behind so many people who are just not ready to say good bye.  And yet, they have no choice.

I have know this man since he was born.  He is my nephew, even if I divorced myself out of the family years and years and years ago.  My heart aches knowing this family is facing the future with him not here.  I am tired and my whole being aches.  How much more are they suffering.

If you ever read my stuff, you know I am familiar with dying.  Working in hospice for over a dozen years gave me an education that is beyond any school's ability to teach.  Lessons about living as if this day is your last, living life with passion and purpose.  Living with the knowledge not one day more is guaranteed or promised.  

I know this stuff.  And I try to live it.  Reality is, we probably can't stay in the depth of that awareness day to day.  Imagine if every day, you wake up, imagining this one is the last one.  Who would you reach out to?  Where would you spend your time?  What would you want people to know about you?  Who might you forgive?  What frustrations would you simply let go of?  Who will you tell that you love them?  While we may not be able to descend to the depths every day what if we at least try now and then.

Maybe the day you read this, you will be inspired to reach out to someone.  You may be inspired to forgive someone,  Maybe you will try something you always wanted to but were afraid to.  Maybe now is the time.  Maybe today.

Let's live with purpose, with honor, with integrity, with love, with compassion.  Wake up every morning and give thanks for this day.  Rise to the occasion and sing your song.  The song that is yours to sing.

As I end this post, I take a moment to honor "Little Bobby".  I imagine I will inhabit that place of deep silence for some time to come.  

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Inside Out

Sitting here.  Wondering what to write.  Wondering how to help.  Wondering is help needed.  Or wanted.  Wondering.  As I sit, I look up from my writing.  I am given a view of the outside world.  I am viewing the world from the inside out.  I consider that is what life is all about.  We view the world from the inside out.  And just as there is a window and a wall separating me from the out, so too, is there a barrier within me that colors and distorts what is outside me.

Think about it for a minute.

Not only does my hearing and my vision affect what I see, so too does my beliefs, my attitudes, my previous experiences and even my personality.  No wonder communication can be so difficult.  I define what I see by my insides; you define from yours.  These two views may or may not be similar.  Who will be determined to be "right"?  The stronger debater?  The more vocal?  The one who emotes the most?

Think about it for a minute.

Unless we are aware of this inside/out abstract notion, we will strongly defend what we see.  We will find it difficult to see any common ground.  We may determine it is not worth the effort to try.  Instead we may look for those whose inside/out is at least similar to mine.  Then we can form a tribe, a group that has bonded over our inside/outs.

Think about it for a minute.

Suddenly, we may find ourselves a divided nation, broken into tribes that have decided their inside/out view of the way things are is the way things are.  We will decide it's not worth our time or our energy to listen any more to what others are saying.  They in turn decide not to listen to us.  We both know our inside/out is the way things are, that is, the RIGHT way.  What more is there to do?

Think about it for a minute.

Now, stop reading.  Stop thinking.  And really go inside.  Go inside to that space, that quiet space where opinions and beliefs and attitudes do not dwell.  Go to that space, the real inside space.  And stay there.  Breathe.  Again, breathe.  Infinite possibilities here.  Vision.  Not my view.  Not your view. 

THE view.

Think about it for a minute.

Each of us has a unique inside/out view of the world.

In Closing,

Let each of us envision the possibilities of looking more closely, more deeply, less personally, to find a vision of THE view that will perhaps more accurately reflect the world as it really is, not as we see it.  A world of endless possibilities, that serve a greater truth than what we as individuals can see.  Perhaps we all have a piece of the truth within us.  Perhaps we also see distortions.  Perhaps we really do need all of us, coming together to, perhaps for the first time, really see what is.

Think about it for a minute...

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Ode to A Rabbit

As we know, odes tend to be poetic, meaningful and quite a story.  
What follows is all that.  Here's an 
Ode to A Rabbit
For Your Pleasure

In the Beginning...

It started with the best of intentions.  Upon finishing a job, a job well done, our two gallant subjects began the journey down the hill towards home.
And then...
Watch Out
came the cry...a RABBIT!!!
Our hero, the driver of the truck in question, made quick decisions, turned the wheel, missed the rabbit
wiped out our fence!

It was a bit surreal as I happened to be in the house, in direct view of the yard.  A sound caused me to look up where upon I couldn't quite make sense of the fact the front yard was now hosting a pick up truck where the hedge and fence used to be.

Running outside, it was quickly determined all parties were safe, especially the rabbit.
Well, all parties except for the fence and the hedge.
They were quite done for.

Young man explained his desire to protect the rabbit-a person after my own heart.
If my fence has to be sacrificed for wildlife, I am a YES to that.

However, I am not in favor of NOT fixing the damage.  Driver Dan was Johnny on the spot, calling insurance and providing personal information.  He assured me all would be fixed.  

And, as this is an ODE, the story continues.  Insurance took over 3 weeks to determine there was no insurance at the time of the rabbit save.
Now, this is where the lessons begin.
There are those who would be angry and frustrated and angry.  There are those who would never trust someone who saves a rabbit and wipes out a fence.
But, I and my spouse chose to believe in the goodwill of these two men-one only 15 years old.

When it was determined NO coverage was forthwith coming,
A date was set for the rebuilding of the fence and fixing of the damage.

However, in this epic ode, myself and my mate determined a new way forward was called for.
We decided to open up the space to our neighbors,
To create a sacred space to share.

While we did freak out our driver for a minute or two, once he and his helpers arrived they began to assist with the new vision.

Our trust in the two gentleman paid off.  Everything was rebuild to our new vision.  We expressed our gratitude with cookies and notes of thanks.  The young man and I had exchanged visions of  a better world and I determined to gift him with a set of my life's work, 

The Soul Catalyst Card Deck and Guidebook to the cards!

Having fulfilled their promises and taken responsibility, the two rabbit protectors went on their way, and we were left to figure out how this new arrangement would work.

The vision was a space of magic, mystery, and fun along with beauty and joy.
We wanted to pull our neighbors into the space for moments of rest, rejuvenation and joy, along with an increase of awareness of the personal responsibility for change.

We used the arch from our grandson's wedding to create the main space.  Then we added a star on top since it was Christmas.  We created a billboard with the word, WISHES and invited passer-bys to stop and write down a wish.  We also made some inspirations quotes as ornaments to give away.

From our view inside the house...

It was SO affirming when neighbors, passer-bys some we had met and some we had not, began to stop and make it a point to tell us how much they loved what we had created.
More than one person loved the idea of 
Making lemonade from lemons.
They said we were a light in the dark or some such thing.
They GOT it.

Our wishes space generated tender words and prayers, not only for toys from our local kids,
but wishes for healing and for seeing family again as the pandemic continued.
Once woman shared that she cried while writing the hope for her brother to recover from covid-19.
She even took a photo and sent it to him.

AND why this is an ODE...

As Christmas passed, I knew the space would stay.
I began to call it
The Giving Grotto

I don't know if the name will stick but here's what happened next:

Happy New Year's......

As you can see, this incarnation was all about resolutions.
Moving the responsibility directly on to the one making the claim.
I think wishes are easier to make, don't you?  After all, there is another entity in change of those.
And still, neighbors participated.
Which made us happy. 

Currently, we are in the midst of GOALS.

It's only been a few days and we have had a bit of participation.  
AND yet another newly met neighbor said thank you.  

Wrapping up, you can't say I didn't warn you.  
An ODE is weighty, long, and with much to learn perhaps.

Over these past couple of months we learned a few things.  
Sometimes you have to trust, even when you are not sure you can.
Sometimes, you are called to let go of the old and move into the new.
Sometimes, you allow vulnerability so that others might try it as well.
Sometimes, out of a mess, beauty comes.

And finally, sometimes to pays to save a RABBIT...

The End
Ode to a Rabbit
Verna Fisher, Your Soul Catalyst

PS, be sure to check out the Soul Catalyst website to learn all about the cards and guidebook!
My goal in 2021...get the word out.  (And it's always easier with friends)

And feel free to stop by and see what's happening at the Giving Grotto.  
A new month means new ideas!
See you here!