Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Take One Step

It sounds so easy.  Take one step, just one.  And yet there are times in our lives when taking even one step seems impossible.  One step.  It's all we can do to consider the action much less take action.  What in the world could happen to us to put us in such a funk that we can't move?

In the times in which we live it seems as if every day we can think of a few good reasons to wallow, to zone out, to simply be so undone that even our deepest desires to move, to take action aren't enough.

What might we do to shift things, to change the inner dynamic enough to pick up one foot and then the other? Any ideas?  Some might say to pray or to work out or to eat healthier.  Some might say to hire a life coach or a therapist to break the log jam. Unfortunately, what works for one may not work at all for another.

Depending on the current circumstances, what worked for you in the past, may be completely ineffective now.  And that can be distressing as well, just adding to the struggle!

As I reflect back since the last blog I wrote, I am appalled at first glance to see how much time has passed.  Then I stop.  I reflect.  I realize I have not been lazy or irresponsible or a flake.  Rather, life happened.  My mother died, I was the primary executer with all that entails, we sold my family home, emptying it of 65 years of memories, eleven members of my immediate family moved out of state, and COVID interrupted the momentum of my business ventures.  

Do I tell you all this to get a bit of pity or understanding from you?  No.  I am simply sharing facts.  These events played out every day I wasn't writing a blog, hosting an event, offering personal coaching, or selling my book and deck of cards.  I wasn't taking any steps in that direction because I was focused on the other events.

When these unplanned events occur, they take a toll on energy and strength of will.  It's up to us to recognize and practice self care until we can clear the way to move again into our deepest and most important work in the world. 

If you are reading this, maybe you can relate.  Maybe you are looking for that right moment to be able to take one step.  Maybe you can use a bit of support or a few ideas to guide you in this difficult time.  Here's a few ideas that may give you exactly what you need to take one step:

Recognize the truth of your current situation

Stop and acknowledge what is


Recognize the importance of what you are doing

Stay in contact with your Spiritual Solace


Honor the integrity you are modeling for others

Journal the progress you are making

Reassess now and then

Change course if warranted


As you read this list, you may realize I haven't given you a solution to your problem.  What I have given you instead is a blueprint for you to keep going.  To hang in there with whatever life is throwing at you AND a sense of hope that when the smoke clears, you will recognize it and see it's NOW time to take one step.

Ultimately, your willingness to show up will serve you well.  If you are able to recognize there is so much in life that will get in the way of what you thought was your work in the world, and that ultimately those events may be the catalyst for you to be in alignment with how this world works.  Things happen.  We show up.  We are responsible.  We care.  We give solace.  We model hope.  We show Divine Presence by our presence.  

Although it seems counter-intuitive, these responsibilities lay the foundation for us to then take the first step towards our life work.  I, for one, am grateful I held on through the difficult days.  And I'm very excited by this first step, this blogpost that signifies steps towards my soul work in the world have recommenced. 

It's my fervent hope that sharing my experience will be of support to you in your life's journey and that if you have struggled with that one step, reading this may give you just what you need to take it!

Much love and respect,
Verna, Your Soul Catalyst