Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Oh, No. Not again... Really???

I am writing this post exactly 3 days after Epiphany, the ah ha day, or the day, as Legend has it, that the Three (or four) Wise Men found Jesus lying in a manger (or in a cave).  Whatever.  You know what I am talking about.  And this is relevant to this post because?  Well, because I just had an ah ha moment.  Epiphany Day!  Woohoo!

As I was changing the sheets in our guest room, I happened to look up.  As I looked up I saw the ceiling fan.  What???  I couldn't believe my eyes.  I just cleaned that sucker.  How is it possible it is already dirty and dusty?  Sighing deeply, I realize it's time to once again get out the step stool and wipe it down.  Clean it off.  Make it shiny and bright again. Rejuvenize it.  Fine.  If it weren't for the fact we have guests arriving in a few days I might have decided to let it stay dirty and dusty a bit longer.  But, as luck would have it, I did at least see this before the horror of having my guests be the ones to find it.

OK, enough of the back story.  Now, what about this Epiphany of mine?  If you know anything about me, you know that I have been following this path of Soul for a long time.  If you know anything about me, you know that's how I came to be the owner and creator of The Center of Creative Transformation, a center for healing and finding peace.  And...if you know anything about me you know that I am always struggling to hold my center, to trust the force Luke and to believe I am still and always guided by a force larger than myself.  And if you don't know me, read on.  Well, even if you do know me I hope you read on.

There are times I get down as I realize this is an on going process.  I may give myself a lecture as I doubt, feel fear, or think of giving up.  And then, I remember my own wisdom:  It's all about the practice.  It's not a one time enlightenment experience.  It's about finding the dust and cobwebs that have somehow returned when I wasn't looking.  It is about dusting my soul off and finding the light that is always there, even in times of doubt and disbelief.  The soul is not a whimp.  Even when we let the dust and cobwebs gather, the soul will find ways to get our attention.  Even in mundane ways, as in finding a dirty ceiling fan you thought was perfectly clean.

So, dear one. How might this be relevant to you?  Is it about checking your ceiling fans to be sure they are clean?  Maybe.  I've heard a clean house is a happy house.  But, most likely, as you well know, that is not my point.  As Your Soul Catalyst, I am here to be that voice, to grab your attention and to call you to an Epiphany moment of your own.  How's your soul practice coming along?  Maybe you will feel better knowing it's a practice and not a one time deal.  But still.  Is it time to dust off your Soul and let it breathe a bit better?

I just happen to know a perfect place to assist you in that.  Let me know if I can help.  In the meantime, here's to you, your soul, your ceiling fans, and your practice.  Never give up.

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