Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Listen to Your Soul Talk

Are You Ready?

Ready for what?  Why, to listen to your soul talk.

Stop living from your head all the time.

Let that deep inner wisdom minister to you.

We are SO used to thinking, thinking, thinking.  Our minds are a great asset, don't get me wrong.  To lose one's mind is NOT a desired goal.  However, we must train our minds to work with the rest of us, not always lead us around like a trained monkey.

Research has shown that our bodies talk to us all the time.  We just ignore them.  Pain is one language our bodies use to speak.  Stop what you are doing.  Listen to me.  Wisdom is there.  We choose not to pay attention.  Our minds reason out why it's OK to keep doing what we are doing.  It's my life...

Spiritually even, we often allow our minds to run the show.  We decide with our minds what we will believe in, what is acceptable, how God works.  It is rare that we sense that Spirit within us.  It is rare to live our lives knowing that Spirit will guide us in our actions and our thoughts--if we take a minute to drop down into our hearts and get out of our heads.

That is a big IF.

Which brings us to the biggest challenge of all.
The Soul.

The deepest well of wisdom of all.
Yet, a well we seldom drink from.
Want proof?
Try to define soul for yourself.

I'm waiting.

I'm imagining it's a bit difficult for you.
And even if you define it to your satisfaction,
Now tell me how often you go there to that inner place to ask advice or to be consoled or to rest.

I'm writing today to encourage you to go there.
It's time.
Our world needs us to live from our Souls.

Are you ready to listen to your soul talk?
If so, take some time to Go SLO=W
Wisdom from your Soul appears.

Yes, it takes practice.  Your mind has run this show for so long.  It really is not ready to relinquish control.  But it will, in the long run, be SO happy with things once you do.

Maybe these questions will get you started with the whole "listen to your soul talk" thing.
Use them if they work, toss them out if they don't.
Easy peasy.

And, if you're looking for support or ideas on how to start listening to your soul talk, Integrative Wisdom is always here to help and guide.

Along with retreats and soul coaching there is a new offering in the works.

I couldn't be prouder of this card deck and guide book.
It's concrete proof of me walking my talk.
Only because I kept listening and kept taking steps,
even if they were baby ones...
I followed my heart,
listened to my soul,
and succeeded in birthing a tool that I believe can help so many people with their Soul Talk.

I am sending you love and light as you read this.
I am so excited for you.
Listen to your soul talk.
Live completely and with great joy.
Any you will make such a difference in this world.

Signing out for today,
Your Soul Catalyst, Verna