Wednesday, September 2, 2020

It's a Pondering Time


It's a pondering time in my world.  What about you?  There is SO much happening.  There are SO many distressing events.  There is SO little lack of consensus as to what needs to change.  It is heart wrenching.  It is stomach turning.  It is mind blowing.  And for the soul--it is time to come forth out of obscurity and shine some light into this world.  

Yes, this is deep time.  And deep time is Soul Time.  This is not a time to despair however.  It is a time to dig deep and to reach for the better part of us that we DO have.  The surface "Me" is not going to suffice.  Are you prepared to ponder?

Whatever your faith tradition or your belief system, or your nothing at all system, it might be a great time to ponder.  What in the world is happening?  Maybe we can forget the why part for now.  "What" might be a good start. It's pretty clear here in the United States that we are pretty divided in our opinions on our current situation.  And it's not just those we dislike that see things differently, it's our friends and our family.  Close to the bone you might say.  Which can make it even more painful.

One thing I consistently cling to is the realization that people I love and care about may see things very differently than me.  Because I love and care about them, it is important for me to listen deeply to what they say.  It may be that I can, at the very least, tap into the core of their understanding of events or issues.  I may still disagree but I don't demonize them or post things that would do so.

Naturally, I would hope they might return this favor.  Maybe that's why I post this today.  Perhaps, by reading this, a few more people will stop and ponder.  Where is the connection?  What might be the thread that runs through these times that can bring us back to a sense of common courtesy?   Is it important for me to stop before I post, to ponder and consider, to take a brief second and make sure I am not labeling others as the enemy, when it is very clear they are not.

This is a pondering time.  As we move forward every day to some new choice before us, or some decision we must make, I ask that we stop, consider that which we sign our name to, and move forward ONLY when we trust this is for our betterment, our personal and the collective good.  These simple steps can move us in the right direction.  No more demonizing others simply because their assessment of things is different from our own.  

NO, it doesn't mean to give up your cherished stance, but it may mean that you ponder another's.  If both people speak deeply and sincerely, without the need to be right or on top, there will be some, even if only a slight amount, of "give".  We may disagree on the big things but it seems to me that in the way  that we speak to each other there can be consensus.  And in that, perhaps we all find common ground.

It's my prayer we start today.  We can do this together.  Now.

In love,
Your Soul Catalyst, Verna

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