Sunday, September 22, 2013

Happy Fall Equinox 2013

After a month of scorching heat and humidity, at least for us Southern Californians, we have seen a huge change in the weather.  It seems as if Fall is more than ready to make its presence known.  There's such a different kind of energy when Fall arrives.  Have you noticed that?  Is it an energy that you appreciate?  I have to say that I really noticed that yesterday there was a sense of mellowness that was quite pleasant.

Today, being the day of the Autumnal Equinox, it's a great day to set a bit of time aside to reflect on the coming season.  What are you focusing on in the next few months?  What does the Divine seem to be calling you to notice or to do...or to stop doing?  We forget, or may not even realize, that each season has a unique quality that can assist us on this life journey.

It's really easy to create sacred space for this purpose.  It's important to find a way that you won't be interrupted during this focus session.  So first be sure to take yourself off the grid, family included.  Then have some kind of quieting music to put on in the background.  Be sure to have a journal or some fresh clean paper on hand so you can jot down a few important revelations.  Yes, you might have a few...

You might decide to light a candle and even bring in a fresh flower from your garden to sit on a small table or on the ground where you are sitting.  If you have any personal objects that seem to hold significance for you at this time, include them in this setting as well.

Once you have created the space physically, now it's time to create to space within.  Allow yourself to close your eyes and begin to breathe gently.  Don't try to change your breath so much as to be aware that you are breathing at all.  We are sometimes so busy that we never even notice.  And then just sit there.  Breathing in.  Breathing out.  Quieting the mind.  Ignoring all those thoughts that arise, and yes, there will be a few.  Relaxing your body from head to toe.  Taking a breath or two to breathe deeply into the center of your chest...the heart space.  Take a breath or two to be grateful for your life just as it is.

Then, and only then, open your eyes and begin to consider the past three months.  Ask yourself if you have been paying attention to your life and any goals or milestones that you set or experienced.  Observe if these still seem important to you.  Then ask yourself (the true self) if these are still important or if you have gotten off track.  Ask if there is any area of your life that needs more attention than these.  Ask to be given the information you need to move forward with more vitality and purpose.

Once you notice any messages, do write down your observations.  Then perhaps you can write an affirmation of intent for the next three month.  This will be your compass or map for the journey.  You can refer to it often as Fall flies by.  If you take the time to do this, you may discover you feel much more in charge of your life and that you have a greater sense of contentment.  If you have a questions or you want to share your experience, you can comment here or find me at

Happy Fall 2013!

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