What was kind of funny to me is that I was thwarted today several times. You see, I forgot it was a national holiday and so my trips to the credit union, the bank, and the library were for naught. And you would think the first closed governmental building would have clued me in, but alas, nope.
Anyway, I did go look for a website that showed the Mercury transit, which is watching a tiny black round thing cross the sun, with the aid of very powerful telescopes of course. It was pretty darn amazing. It also was a great way to remind oneself that no matter how much it feels like this planet is stationary, it is definitely not. And that's a pretty big deal if we think about it.
Miracle. Magic. Marvelous.
Lastly, and this one really stunned me, even though I know we are nearing the end of the year. We are only 50 days away from a brand new decade! Now, that's the potential for a fresh start isn't it?! I mean, can you imagine the new journal you should get to mark this occasion? An entirely new 10 years! And, from what I hear from various astrologists out in the wild world, we are moving even more deeply into a new age...wait for it...yes, it really is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
However, the dawning details are just way too complicated and daunting to add to this humble post, so we will just leave that here as we hum a few bars...
What I think is most important, especially if you are one that loves fresh starts, is that you also make a concentrated attempt to end this decade with intention as well. For the next 50 days, see if you can reflect back on the last decade and track your growth, your understanding, your insight into who the heck you are and why you are here on this planet now.
What is waiting within your deepest self for you to find? What is waiting for you to finally release and let go? Maybe you can set aside a special notebook or maybe even make one with 50 pages in it and take a few minutes for the next 50 days to write stuff down.
Let yourself be with yourself for a change. Give that YOU some true quality time, not for worldly endeavors, but for soulful ones. Decide to Go SLO=W. Stop. Listen. Observe. Voila, wisdom appears in the form of knowledge, self knowledge. And as Bruce Lipton has said in his book, The Biology of Belief, "self knowledge is self empowerment". What better way to usher out the old...decade, and usher in the new...decade than by empowering yourself FOR yourself!!!!
And lest you think this selfish, dear one, please know that the more you know and understand you, the better partner, friend, daughter, spouse etc you will be. SO in reality, one of the least selfish things you can do. It's way more selfish to wallow in your self doubt, your self pity, your self depreciation...well, I think you get the gist.
So, dear reader, go forth and get quiet for a bit. Let your soul shine a bit and let it talk to you. You will be guided I am sure. And it may be a little bit scary, but nothing like those horror movies we are encouraged to see. You can do this. I have faith in you.
Be fierce. Be brave. Be present.
Be You.
OK, I think that's it for this love letter for the wonderful 11:11 Mercury transit, New Decade in 50 days post. Hope you will take this to heart and mark the passing of this decade with purpose!
Your Soul Catalyst,
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