Thursday, February 27, 2020


If Only.  If only the passing of time would slow down.  Here we are, poised once again, on the brink of a brand new month.  If you are anything like me, you are asking yourself where in the heck did it go.  I can look back on my calendar, of course, and see all the events and appointments filling up those precious days.  Sure, it makes sense, but still it just seems like time is moving in hyper speed mode.

Does it seem that way to you too?  If so, maybe you can benefit from learning how to Go SLO=W.

No matter how busy we get, we can always consciously choose to do this.  It requires no special equipment, no special clothing, no membership fee.  All it requires of you is practice.

Are you ready?  If so, here it is:

How to Go SLO=W

Now, one thing I must add, I use this practice.  Yes, and time still moves way too quickly for me.  So I guess I have to admit it won't solve the hyper speed time going by phenomenon.  What then, is the point?

[Insert a bit of laughter here]

Perhaps the point is that even though time will still go by in a flash, if we use this practice we will, at the very least, consciously pay attention to our inner voice.  Perhaps, in spite of the speed at which our day goes by, we will have shown up 100% for at least a few precious minutes of that day.

Go SLO=W  Stop.  Listen.  Observe.  Wisdom appears.

What could be better?

Wisdom in our hyper speed days.  Sounds like a good deal to me.

Let me know if you agree.  Try to Go SLO=W.  Today.

Your Soul Catalyst,


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