Wednesday, April 1, 2020

How Are You Holding Up?

Well, this is no April Fool's joke.  We are on restriction.  No going out except for serious needs.  What an abrupt change.  We, born here in the United States, have most likely never imagined ourselves in this predicament.  How could we have imagined our most cherished identities taken away from us so quickly! 

Our identity.  Who we have imagined ourselves to be.  How we have affixed a sense of self worth to ourselves.  Who are we if we aren't working, aren't helping, aren't doing?  Even our roles as parents have been changed.  Everyone is being affected.  A truly challenging time.

Here's a few supportive tips for you during this time:

1.  Recognize the enormity of the times you are living in.  You are living in a historical moment of epic proportions.  You may want to begin to write your version of how things have changed for you.  A first hand report will be a true gift to the following generations.

2.  Recognize your lack of control over the bigger picture.  No matter what you do, you can't change the facts of where we find ourselves. 

3.  Accept responsibility for steps you can take to make the situation better.  Agree to follow the guidelines, the rules, the changes to your sense of American Pie freedom.  We are all in this together and have a huge responsibility to our countrymates.

4.  Practice self care.  Having a strong immune system is our best defense against COV-ID19.  Taking time to de-stress, even one breath at a time will provide your system with a break from the tension, fear and worry.  Work to build up your wellness practice, recognizing what helps you personally.

5.  Avoid being ugly, especially in social media.  We have had a steady dose of ugly for years.  Doesn't matter what side of an issue you are on.  Stay kind.  Do not retaliate, even when it's clear someone else has hit below the belt.  Yes, you can respond with dignity, stating in no uncertain terms your wisdom.  But, please keep the energy you carry around, healthy and kind.

6.  Consider taking some time to get to know yourself on a deeper level.  With such a huge shift in our daily activities, this may be the time to grow in consciousness and awareness.  Find an online program to guide your growth.  Of course, Integrative Wisdom is here for you as well.

7.  Find ways to stay connected to family and friends.  Of course there are many platforms for this.  But remember the older folks may need a bit of guidance in this area.  Maybe you are the one who can teach them some new tricks.

8.  Recognize when your mind is taking you down the rabbit hole of fear.  Whew, this one is really important.  There is very little chance you haven't felt afraid.  I think we all find ourselves wondering what in the world will happen to us and to our lives.  Let's nip the fear in the bud quickly, acknowledging there is no way to be certain.  For now, we simply recognize our fear and then send it off with a breath...

9.  Practice staying in the now.  This is really helpful to assuage our fears.  For now, we are ok.  In this moment, I am well.  For right now, I can appreciate much.

10.  And to round out the tips to ten,  why not practice counting to ten when you find yourself on a short fuse.  It is not hard to imagine how many of us might be losing our tempers, perhaps many times a day.  The old adage, Count to Ten, is very valid. 

So, there we have ten tips that might help someone cope a bit better during this pandemic.  In addition to this blog, Integrative Wisdom is also posting a video a day on FB, to offer education, support, encouragement and inspiration to as many people as possible.

Here's the weekly schedule:

Monday: Today's Office View, a video to highlight the beauty around, no matter where we are working.

Tuesday:  Integrative Wisdom, videos that offer education and information on a holistic approach to being in the world.

Wednesday:  The Soul Catalyst Card Deck program, drawing a card and sharing tips on how to create a healing practice.

Thursday:  Elder Care Coaching and Consulting, videos on how to navigate both caregiving and being an elder in today's world.

Friday:  Recap Day, answering questions and addressing any issues that may have come up during the previous week.

It is my hope that Integrative Wisdom will find a larger audience, finding those who will benefit from the support.  Please consider sharing with your friends.  Here's a link to my meditation on Insight Timer that offers a bit of quiet time for you during these tough times:

A Meditation of Support

Also, here's a link to the FB videos:


Finally, here's a link to videos on my YouTube channel:

Integrative Wisdom on YouTube

And lastly, offering you a bit of beauty and hope as well:

In love and light,

Your Soul Catalyst,


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