Here's something to ponder:
This day is the best day of your life.
It's the only one you've got.
You better do it Right!
Now that we've got that over with, here comes the big question: How would you know you got "it" right? What is it that identifies a day done right? Do you have any clue? Is it always the same? Some interesting questions don't you think? To make things even less clear, what if what you thought you knew about what a best day consists of became less certain? What if you suddenly began to question your routines, your day to day practices? How might that make you feel? What might you think?
Here's a Meditation Fitting this Quandary:
In this Epic Time
In this epic time, who are you becoming?
In this epic time, with every passing day...
In this epic time,
with every new fear
every new challenge
every new loss
every new emotional hit
In this epic time, who are you becoming:
As you
Let go
Fight to hold on
Discern the difference
Freeze in confusion
Do you believe it's in Your Power to:
Choose the outcome?
Determine the course?
In this epic time,
we may be unique in the lens of history.
In other epic times,
it wasn't seen as epic
Until it was over
And then it was identified as
We, in the age of information
are very aware.
We are
told cajoled reminded warned
of our undoing
Every. Single. Day.
Is this the best day?
In this epic time,
We sense the change
We see the waves of unrest
We feel the dis-ease
It is held deep in our bones.
Then, there are the whispers,
the voices to remind us
Maybe the best day is still to come.
Maybe what we see as lost
Is really Opportunity
In this Epic Time.
In this epic time,
might we listen to those who encourage us,
who remind us to seek our best day,
new possibilities for all,
to let go of the frayed edges of our tattered world
Claim a NEW Best Day.
And, so in this epic time:
Where do you find yourself?
Longing to return to the days of old?
Energized for the new road ahead?
And so, as we reach the end of this blog post, here's to you and to your best day. It is my sincere hope that this meditation has given you food for this journey and inspiration as well.
Your Soul Catalyst, Verna
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